
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Shrillary Sings

Drudge is calling her the Campaign Idol and has the video...

Hillary Sings The National Anthem .

Beware of those open mics ;-)


  1. LOL!
    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) hugs
    (")_ (")Š from
    the Cool Raggedy one

  2. You mean she knows the words to OUR National Anthem?

    I always pictured her singing "Oh, Canada," or something of the like.

  3. OT, I wonder what her monthly cost for Botox is...

  4. eyes & raggedy: it is funny. Those open mics are so much fun. I wonder if she'll blame it on the vast right wing conspiracy.

    brooke: the thought crossed my mind too. I thought she'd be more open to some UN one world song, or El Internacional. You know, something with a socialist bent to it.

    I think it's a toss up between who spends more Shrillary or Hyperlosi, but either way, it's big bucks.

  5. Y'know, I watched it again, and I noticed that she only sang when the cameras got right in front of her.

    Translation: Photo-op!

  6. brooke: Exactly. Everything is a photo-op with them. Their phoniness is palpable.

  7. I heard this on the radio today.
    Too funny!!
    I'd say she's a little pitchy.
    I watched one season of American Idol, and I'd had enough. I NEVER want to endure Campaign Idol, although it would be kind of fun to hear a Kerry/Kennedy duet. NOT!!

  8. j.d.: Oh. I'd pay money to hear that duet. I'd also pay money to hear Teddy's drunken Osama Obama tirade. That's some funny stuff.
