
Friday, February 23, 2007

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... Extra the polydactyl cat. She has seven toes on each front paw and six toes on each back paw for a total of 26!

Yikes, imagine if this catches on. Cats with opposable thumbs will take over the world... or at the very least, they'll open their own cans! ;-)

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. PKAK!

    at least he'll be able to clean the litter in his box with one fell swoop instead of several...

  2. If cats get those thumbs, we humans will be in trouble. With four cats in this house, I know how dominant they are--even without thumbs.

  3. yeah cube - they should have named him "scoopenzeepoopenzee"!

  4. nanc: In our house, the humans do that job ;-)

  5. She's still a cute kitty though cube!

  6. boy oh boy, do your pets have you trained well...

  7. nanc: yep, we are at their beck & call...not! With all these animals, we must pull human rank. We do follow Cesar Milan's way...

  8. Think about all the extra claw marks he can leave on your thighs when jumping on/off your lap.


  9. brooke: Yikes, gird your loins!

  10. As soon as one of these critters can make my morning coffee, I'll be getting a cat, yes siree!

    That's a sweet little pussy.

    Happy Saturday!

  11. Wow, she looks like she's adapted for the arctic, with those big paws like polar bears! No sinking in the snow for this kitty!

  12. Don't you love those huge feet? I once had a beautiful long-hair calico with an abundance of toes. In fact, her name was ToeToe. She always looked to my like an elegant lady with Clydsdale feet. I expected to hear clomp, clomp, clomp as she walked through the house.

    I just started a cat-focused blog at -- and have been searching out others on the web. So glad I found yours. That photo brought back such warm and happy memories.

  13. reverse-barometer: Glad you liked it :-)

  14. Via your post on my blog, I came back to your fuller blog. I hadn't seen that on my first trip because it was a keyword "cat" that got me to the Friday cat post. Your site is sooo much fun! I'm looking forward to reading ALL of it.

  15. reverse barometer: Thank you for your kind words.

    I've been doing Cat Blog Friday for a long time. Every Friday, with very few exceptions, I post about feline antics. Hope you like them :-)
