
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Perv Rights

Former ACLU Chapter President Arrested For Child Pornography

Why am I not surprised?


  1. But will they revisit the issue of filters in public libraries?
    Even when a proponent has been found guilty of an egregious crime, they won't revisit it because IT ISN'T RELEVENT!
    Yeah, right!


  2. I'm not surprised, either. The ACLU is always at the forefront of defending scumbags and their horrendous habits.

    I'm sure this guy will start the "it's not MY fault" stuff right away.

    Isn't the ACLU one of the primary defenders of MANBLA? Figures.

  3. tmw: You're are correct!

    brooke: The ACLU defends the perverted NAMBLA alright. Just despicable.

    Maybe they'll use the old, sorry, & tired excuse of "doing research for a book" & get the perv off. Goodness knows they have plenty of liberal lawyers at their disposal.

  4. oh what a wicked web they weave, when at first they practice to deceive...

    these people are the scourge of our nation!

  5. No surprise there... The only surprise will be if the ACLU doesn't defend him@!

  6. I heard it was about children being raped..God help us from the ACLU!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That was me. I messed up the link.
    It should be shocking but it isn't. What is it with the unions and porn? There are more stories than I can count!
    I think I sent you this link before.

    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) hugs
    (")_ (")Š from
    the Cool Raggedy one

  9. raggedy: I hadn't seen the Pizza Palace site before, but it's where we're headed if organizations like the ACLU aren't pushed back. I can't remember one case, not one, where I agreed with the ACLU. They are a blight on this country.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. j.d.: I hear you. It's just despicable behavior of the worst kind. I don't believe abusing children is spelled out as a "right" in our Constitution.
