
Monday, March 05, 2007

Hillary Belle

Kentucky Fried Hillary: NY Senator Adopts A Southern Drawl In Selma, Alabama Church Service

You have to hear this to believe it!

Ya'll, I think I need a mint julep to deal with this.


  1. Coming from the deep south, I don't find it that hard to get a southern drawl. I did it. Actually when I left Alabama I tried to hide mine. Of course I have another problem. I seem to pick up accents without thinking about it. I realized this when I lived next door to a lady from England. Everytime we talked I ended up with a British accent, Blimey! Ta ta

  2. From a European perspective, I would have to say this is not the most welcoming, nor beautiful accent I have encountered so far. It is not the worst either though ;)

  3. Just proves of what a phoney she is :)

  4. This accent is not an accident. In the history of Hillary, we have never heard it before, ooops, except when she was talking about the evils of the plantation. You know what I'm talking about.

    This "accent" is a deliberate & not well executed attempt at pandering to her black democrat base. I can only hope they see through the shamelessly phoney event.

  5. shover: I agree. Long time no hear!

  6. minka: This isn't how Hillary really speaks. This is a phony, and poorly executed, accent that she is using to appeal to a voting block composed of southern blacks. It is very fake.

  7. Is there possibly a human being ALIVE who doesn't see through this harpy? I mean, other than those dim-bulb liberals who have talked themselves into actually supporting her? This is just repugnant. What a complete, total and unrepentant phony.

  8. darrell: I hear you, but I think there are plenty of maroons out there who will think she's just slipping back into Arkansas-speech after being in the NY wilderness for so long.

    The Clintons are deceptive & cunning. They'll do whatever it takes to gain the power they crave.

  9. The worst part is that she probably thought herself very clever.

    *in my best/worst southern belle accent* What a loosah, 'yall.

  10. When I heard this on the radio, I couldn't believe it. Didn't she KNOW how silly she sounded??!!
    Putting on a fake accent in order to be funny is one thing, but trying to pull the wool over people's eyes and pretending you're "one of them" is just pitiful. If the black community can't see through this then they've really been snowed.
    News flash!: Hillary isn't black.
    Double News flash!: Neither is Bill.

  11. She's awfully creepy.

    One of the commenters said that no one could top Al Gore from 2000. I am wracking my brain, and I can't remember anything like that. I'm pretty slow lately, so I'm probably just not thinking right.

  12. brooke: Why slap some butter on my butt & call me a biscuit!! How could anybody be convinced by that pathetic excuse for an accent.

    j.d.: Snow job? More like a blizzard job ;-)

    jen: Gore did say he invented the Internet. He also lied about many other things. He also took campaign money from Buddhist nuns. Oh, I could go on all day about Gore, but you're right, it doesn't come close to the sins of the Clintons.

  13. she makes a great expectorant...PKAK...

  14. Did u hear that! ridiculous is she!

  15. What will she do for an encore... a rousing rendition of "Swing Low Sweet Chariot"?

    I can't wait to hear her entire repertoire ... Midwestern, New York, New England...

    um, will she do an hispanic accent in Miami? Oye, meng, ju mus vote for me.

  16. What will she do for an encore... a rousing rendition of "Swing Low Sweet Chariot"?

    I can't wait to hear her entire repertoire ... Midwestern, New York, New England...

    um, will she do an hispanic accent in Miami? Oye, meng, ju mus vote for me.
