
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Kiran Booted

The above Fox News Channel banner should read "I'm On CNN"

Kiran Chetry Axed For Gretchen

I'd much rather watch Kiran than Wretchen, er, Gretchen Carlson, but not enough to watch CNN.

Goodbye Kiran.


  1. ah yes the good ole Crescent News Network!

  2. Chetry for the treachery....

    Now that was an interesting little rhyme in the article, eh?

    Gretchen's thighs remind me of cottage cheese wrapped tightly in saran wrap. I hate to sound ugly, but I am telling the truth.

  3. I'm not a big Gretchen fan, but I'm not going into ricotta territory over her description. I just don't think she's as funny or vivacious as Kiran was.

    I think Kiran was poorly served by this greedy agent. Honestly, isn't $400,000 a year for weekend work good enough for you? I'd jump on that offer myself.

  4. o.t. - HAPPY PI DAY, CUBE!

  5. Don't know who either of them are.
    Give the puppy a belly rub from me.
    Have a fabulous day!

  6. The only one that can get me to go anywhere NEAR CNN is Glenn Beck.

  7. nanc: Happy Pi Day to you too!!!

    raggedy: I'll do that. BTW you'd be surprised to see how big this puppy has gotten since I posted her picture.

    brooke: He's on CNN Headline News. That's marginally better than CNN.
    Honestly, I'm sad that Kiran has defected to the dark side :-(

  8. I like both of those ladies. It's too bad they didn't keep Kiran on FOX.
    I didn't see either of them much, so I guess it really doesn't matter to me.
    I mostly watch FOX in the evening.

  9. j.d.: We watch in the AM while getting the kids ready for school. We also watch on the weekend while drinking coffee & reading the paper. I think the show has suffered from losing first E.D. Hill, then Lauren Green, then
    Alysin Camerota (who is on maternity leave) & now Kiran. I hate to say it, but Fox & Friends seems forced now. The new folks aren't cutting it.
