
Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I purposely chose not to post the video of the Portland "peace" idiots burning an American soldier in effigy but Michelle Malkin did here .

...or to post the photo of the moron defecating on the burning American flag but did here .

What a collection of stoopids.


  1. I wouldn't defecate on ANYTHING that was burning. That just seems like something really bad would happen to your undercarriage, doing stuff like that.

    Thanks for sending the feel-better vibes over the DSL. I've been receiving them several times faster than I would have if you were sending them over the dial up. You are so thoughtful!

  2. Have you noticed that leftistas, anarchists and other "slow" types have an unhealthy fascination with body waste? Their's and others? Almost reminds me of a just potty-trainned toddler who doesn't want their poopies flushed...just musing, that's all.


  3. they should have been arrested for treason IMHO...

  4. jen: Ah, for an errant stream of lighter fluid to come squirting out of that crowd of spectators at just the right moment... YOWZA!

    DSL is the only way to go :-)

  5. tmw: Yeah, it's cause they're full of s**t, physically & psychically.

    woman: If they hate America so much, why are they still living here? They should try living in a Third World country where feces in the street isn't such a big deal.

    They don't leave because no where else would they find a country with the freedoms that we take for granted.

  6. Care to exchange links with me?

  7. Hi Cube. Thanks for dropping by my site. I don't get around to talking about science much, but it pops up every now and then. Mainly my blog is just my diary. I did enjoy your husband graduated with a degree in Physics, so we both thought it was pretty funny...

  8. "If they hate America so much, why are they still living here? They should try living in a Third World country where feces in the street isn't such a big deal."

    Well put!

  9. I don't know if you are calling Michelle Malkin and me stoopids or you saying that referring the idiots in the video or the moron in the picture.

    If it's me, I wouldn't mind so much if you would at least spell the name of my blog correctly. It's not

    At least the link works! Thanks.

  10. kevin: I think it's pretty obvious who the idiots are.

    Sorry about the typo though!

    brook: Assclowns too.

  11. arsenal: I think we just did ;-)

    sarah: Glad you liked the joke. I have a biology degree & sometimes bring up science in The Blog just for fun too.

    jen: Thank you!

  12. brooke: Sorry about your typo too ;-)

  13. That's a great bumper sticker.

    I always thought it would be fun to have a bunch of "I think you've misunderstood the question" stickers printed up, then go around town slapping them onto bumpers right next to all the "War is not the answer" ones....

  14. jenny: Hee hee. That's evil :-)

    When I see one of those greenie/peacenik/liberal cars, I wave to them & then try to position my car in a way that shows my very Republican bumperstickers. It drives some of them crazy. They just can't figure it out.
