
Thursday, March 08, 2007

Rosie Inversion

Bats hang upside down...

Squirrels hang upside down...

And now large, foul-mouthed bloviators do it too...

Rosie O'Donnell says she hangs upside down for up to a half hour a day to improve her mental state.

You just can't make up this stuff.


  1. here, I thought this was going to be a link about Rush L.



  2. So true....I can't wait to see what she says this Saturday at 6 pm ET/PT on SOAPnet when she's put with Susan Lucci.

  3. bw: Drat! You ducked too fast ;-)

  4. Hey ebuc, wanna hang around with me for a while.

    Promise I won't drive you batty!

  5. yhtak: Woot! I'd hang with you anytime :-)

    BTW when are you going to get your own blog where I can harass you on your turf ;-)

  6. moonbats abound!



  7. Err, Rosie in an upright position is bad enough; I didn't need an even more disturbing image of her hanging upside down.


    I suppose even her closest friends can't bring themselves to tell her that it doesn't seem to be working for her.

  8. I thought that was Nancy Pelosi before she got her makeup on.
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  9. caz: Really. If this daily inversion therapy works, can you imagine how much worse Rosie would be without it? Yikes! Run away!

    tmw: lol! The Armanied One is rather batty ;-)

  10. BTW that photo of the squirrel hanging upside down is one I took from my front window. Those pesky rodents perform magnificent acts of aerial prestidigitation in order to steal birdseeds from that feeder.

  11. Ummm, not that very many people care and all...

    I just thought a behind the scenes look into the making of The BLOG would appeal to some...


  12. Dear GAWD! I saw a clip of Rosie demonstrating her upside down treatment.
    She is a glutton for punishment, isn't she?!!
    I mean did she really need to demonstrate it?

  13. j.d.: I saw it too & it made me want an eyewash. Oh, it burns!!!

  14. I saw it too; it was horrific!

    Why on Earth would anyone do something so asinine?

  15. brooke: She was wearing clogs! Clogs? Who wears clogs to an inversion? Oh, puh-leeze, at the very least wear shoes that stay on your feet.

    BTW the inverted squirrel shot was taken by me & it was of one of the rascals that routinely raid our birdfeeder.
