
Monday, March 12, 2007

Slow Start

I know it all evens out in the end, but the idea of losing an hour really frosts me.

It was one of those mornings when we got off to a slow start.


  1. I love that the kids are now sleeping till 0730 instead of 0630! :D

  2. Tell me about it. It was hard to get my kids up this AM because they were up late last night. They kept saying that it was really an hour earlier...


  3. don't feel badly - i had an entirely different post ready for curtains that i'd spent about a half-hour on getting all the links and the photo just right and when i went to save as draft, my internet ever so politely disconnected and all was lost! i did, however, keep my links in a research folder.

  4. Not a slow start here. But in late morning, the utility company dug up the water main out front. You guessed it....We don't have water today until the pipe is fixed. Ugh!

  5. I want my time back!
    We will have to adjust, eventually.
    I was sent a vid in the mail that reminded me of your picture. I found it on you tube.


  6. I also dislike this. It takes me a week to catch back up.

    darn senior softball league. It's all w's fault!!

