
Friday, April 13, 2007

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

...only Felix, our resident black cat, will do.

Happy Friday, everybody.


  1. He is so gorgeous your Felix.

    Just love black cats..

  2. Thanks kath, but Felix just let me know in no uncertain terms that he doesn't want to be called black anymore... he's african-american ;-)

  3. happy weekend Cube..Blogger wouldnt let me comment all day..arg!

  4. Oh yeah, it's Friday the 13th! Sorry, I'm a little behind.

    He's a cutie. We now have a black cat as well. She's from the shelter, and she's a sweetheart. Her name is Star. Technically, she's Sage's cat, but she'll purr for anyone.

    Happy Friday!

  5. brooke & raggedy: Yes, he's our big fancy boy.

    angel: I had Blogger blues today myself. Not with everybody, but with some.

    jen: Good for you. Our Felix is from the Humane Society too. We got him as a scruffy little kitten & he turned into a beautiful shiny cat.

  6. What a beautiful cat Felix is! I wish that my girls were so sleek.

  7. A handsome and most excellent African-American cat for Friday 13 Cube. Nice of Felix to step in for the occasion.

  8. aow2: Thanks. He was unbelivable scruffy as a kitten. We were surprised when he turned out so pretty. He gives us these glamour
    eye looks as thought he knows how beautiful he is.

    caz: He likes to pitch in once in a while for the 13th & Halloween.
