
Friday, April 20, 2007

Resign Reid!

Republicans Battle Charge Iraq War Is Lost .

Reid's comments are inexcusable. The democrats call this leadership?


  1. Reid is a ninny.
    Where's the strong leadership? The kind that challenges us, encourages us, inspires us, and makes us proud to be Americans?
    He's a weak complainer like Daschle was.

  2. The democrats are undermining this country with their political stunts. It's time we took them to task for their words and their deeds.

  3. i would call him a pig, but then that would give pigs a bad name! talk about undermining our military.

  4. Harry Reid is a scum sucking Defeatocrat bottom feeder.

  5. nanc: Please be nice to the pigs

    jenn of the jungle: lol! Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think ;-)

  6. There was never any doubt as to Reid's traitorous, cowardly views.

    Watching him trying to spin this into something acceptable is darkly amusing, though.

  7. brooke: I want to see some consequences to him personally. He needs to pay for his treachery.

  8. The Dems have no strategy. We're Pollyannas to even consider that they might.

  9. angel: The word leftard cracks me up. It's so apt.

    aow2: They do have a strategy & it's based on derangement. Whatever the Bush administration wants, they want the opposite.

    OK, I didn't say it was a thoughtful strategy ;-)

  10. It's been a long time since the Democratic party saw any real leadership. And I don't see that changing anytime soon.

    Unless Oprah runs. Then watch out.

    -- david
