
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Scotty Beamed Up

Cremains Of ‘Star Trek's’ Scotty and NASA Astronaut Go Into Space On Saturday




  1. Kinda freaked me out that the flight was sub-orbital. What went up, came right back down again. Sigh...

    BTW, I found your link on Jamie Dawn's blog and decided to follow it home. I'm glad I did, as your site is a compelling read. I love how you're so involved in your community.

    I look forward to reading more of your work, and hope you'll pop by my blog as well.

    All the best,


  2. I'm surprised Al Gore didn't screech about this because I read somewhere that cremation is adding to global warming.

    Very cool, Scotty!!!

  3. godspeed, scotty - you the man!

  4. carmi: Thank you for your kind words.

    I noticed that about Scotty too. I remember when Roddenberry's ashes were shot into space & they remained in orbit until the orbit decayed.

    Scotty went with a different company & they've had a number of
    problems with their rocket. I guess we should be grateful that his wish to go to space was honored, if only for a little while.

  5. j.d.: You know, Al Gore is a big Trek fan, or so he says. He only complains about the global warming wastes of us little people. The elites can be excused their excesses because, well, they're better than us plebes ;-)

  6. caz: Thank you. It was a spectacular launch.

    Notice that I didn't even make a crude comment about it not being in any way related to a match and the gaseous emissions of Michael Moore's large intestine ;-)
