
Friday, May 04, 2007

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat who wants to avoid Florida's sea serpents and hang out by the pool ;-)

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. Yes Cubie, I get the impression that the ginger puddy tat would much rather sit around the pool than be in it.. LOl!


    I got in first! ( Makes a nice change)

  2. Who says cats don't like water?

  3. no, they do not like water as i've found on a number of occasions, but alas - they do know how to swim well...pkak >^,,^< mew...

    and, of course they blowdry nicely with a 150 mph leaf blower...i've heard...mew...

  4. As a rule, most cats don't like water. Tigers are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head who do like to swim.

  5. nanc: They are excellent swimmers.

    When I was growing up, my father used to throw all stray cats into the pool.

    They are also excellent at licking themselves dry on their own.

  6. A pool cat?

    One of my cats (part Siamese actually enjoys a shampoo, provided I don't turn the shower on her to do the rinse cycle.

    BTW, my husband's Himalayans loved taking a swim. And a Siamese I once had didn't mind taking a swim in the bathtub--IF the water wasn't running.
