
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Pelosi Plan

Pelosi has a plan...

Is it the Little Bunny Foo Foo Plan?

Actually it's part of the $15 billion Water Resources Development Act . Pelosi's measure would authorize $25 million to improve San Francisco port areas, and also would put some areas off limits to navigation so cruise ships could dock.

The fact that her investor husband owns four rental properties in a nearby commercial district has no bearing whatsoever on the Speaker's plans.

I don't know about you, but I think it resembles the Feinstein Plan .

Keep your eye on the money.


  1. o gosh Cube..pullin the hair outta my head!..what thieves!...arggggggggg!!

  2. angel: So far there isn't any proof because the rental properties are a mile away, but you know that if it were a Republican doing this, just the hint of impropriety would doom their career.

    The press will refuse to see anything but the most flagrant abuses on the liberal side.

  3. The money doesn't just talk, it SCREAMS.

    And you're right, of course; if this were a Republican, the left would be screeching and howling, yet we hear nary a peep from the MSM when Her Majesty Pelosi pulls a probably fast one.

  4. If this were a Republican, the MSM would be louder and giddier than Barney Frank at a Chippendales show.

  5. I cringe at the sight of Pelosi. She is a mega whiner.
    I heard a quote of her blaming Dubya for rising gas prices. If she got a blister, she'd blame the Prez.
    She's a hypocrite and should be avoiding any and all appearances of inpropriety after promising to clean up corruption in Congress. The trouble is, she only sees Republican corruption and ignores any of her fellow Dem's sins. Those who voted to give Dems the majority should be horsewhipped!
    I can't take it!!!!!

  6. jonathan: lol! That would be loud indeed.

    j.d.: I agree. To those who voted for the Dems, I would add those who didn't vote & thus indirectly helped the Dems into majority power too. I would like to hunt them down & flog them till they dropped.
