
Friday, June 29, 2007

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... the threat of eating kittens wasn't able to save the flawed immigration reform bill.

Thank goodness for that.

Happy Friday, everybody!

[The BLOG note: No kittens were harmed during the construction of this post]


  1. Catibal Lecter!!!

  2. now, he has good taste!

    >^00^< pkak!

  3. kathy: lol.

    nanc: I knew you would appreciate this one.

  4. tmw: Mrs. Dash, I think ;-)

  5. Our Prez is a good man, but he was on the wrong side on this one.
    I wrote my senators and representative TWICE to let them know how I felt. I'm glad WE THE PEOPLE got heard.

  6. j.d.: I agree. The pols need to remember who put them into office and whom they represent.

  7. There are many good tastless jokes that this picture brings to mind ...

    I'll choose to spare you all.

    -- david

  8. What's so weird about the Prez eating Chinese food?

  9. woman: I totally agree. I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't been so angry about this immigration bill.

    david: You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you.

    brooke: lol!


    indeed - all he needed was a little wasabi!

  11. Dave is a gentleman.

    But I can't help myself: wasn't he worried about furballs?

  12. nanc: Wasabi mustard is very tasty.

    caz: That's where the *pkak* comes in ;-)

  13. No kittens were harmed during the construction of this post

    Better not be!

  14. aow: Absolutely. You know me and my cat love ;-)

  15. I had my cat in the vet's earlier this week for what I thought was a bladder infection... He was peeing on the dog's bed upstairs, and the vet thought it was behavioral, with him being hacked off at the new puppy because the dog was making it hard to get to his litterbox downstairs.

    I thought that that was a bit out of character for him; Jack is quite possibly the most laid-back feline on planet Earth. If my three kids don't make him want to whizz on their pillows when they're not looking, I don't know what would get on his nerves. ;)

    So, off I go to the store to buy another litterpan for upstairs, and all is well for a few days, until this morning, when I notice that Jack is leaking blood wherever he sits.

    Back to the vet... I'm going to see if they'll just let me pick up some meds, considering I already paid for a office visit for the same problem.

  16. brooke: Sorry to hear about your cat. New puppies (and new kittens) do often upset the balance of power among the animals in a house. I hope Jack's problem is solved by a course of antibiotics.

  17. The verdict is in: Two weeks of antibiotics and a C/D diet, as feline interstitial cystitis is suspected.

    You know, considering how badly Jack must have felt for the last week, it's a wonder he didn't kill the new puppy outright. ;)

  18. "No, Mr. President, we do not gnaw on our kitty."

  19. Break me off a piece of that kit kat bar!

  20. lol phoenix

    I know this is meant to show W is so mean he eats kittens, but, well, another word for cat...

    I would expect Mr. Clinton's photo there, not W's.

    BTW, I got a spam mail that it was Monica Lewinski's 31st birthday last week :)


  21. brooke: Good news!

    golfwidow: lol.

    phoenix: lol.

    bw: It's meant to illustrate Bush's desperation to get this bill passed. Just a little satire at the President's expense.
