
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Remember Tiananmen Square

Young Clerk Let Tiananmen Ad Slip Past Censors

A young clerk with no knowledge of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown allowed the tribute, a tiny ad in the lower right corner of page 14 of the Chengdu Evening News on Monday night, that read: "Paying tribute to the strong(-willed) mothers of June 4 victims".

The clerical error caused an investigation to be launched by the ChiCom authorities to find out how the advertisement slipped its way past censors.

Can you imagine living in a society where the press is not only not free, but an arm of the govenment?

Hmmm, maybe you can...


  1. I didn't know that Hugo Chavez owned that,too.

  2. The liberal wing of the Democrat party would not think twice about imposing Chavez-like "reforms" for our own good.

  3. sure Cube and the lefties can afford to degrade our govt with all the freedoms they take for granted!!...good find~!

  4. Today is the 63rd anniversary of DDay. Those who fight for freedom should always be remembered.

  5. i've been remembering this for the past solid week.

    i cannot imagine suffering in this way - except for knowing you can only kill me once. my sissy might have kicked in at the last moment - who's to say?

  6. Have you noticed all the totalitarian protest movies that hollyweird puts out? How the medias are all part of government, then the hero gets a whiff of truth...they are implied "rightist" regimes. But notice in the real world it is mostly "leftista" regimes that impose this type of imprisonment on their people.
    A bad case of denial in the minds of the dweebs...
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  7. Good comments all. I can imagine it too. I'm hearing Hillary talking about "sharing the wealth" which translates into income redistribution. Ours, not hers.

  8. Our free media is bad enough, and all too easy imagining our free media getting worse - we should never take it for granted.

    Gov't run media - well, China has always been a shining example of what that looks like and where it leads.

    You know, it turns my stomach that China are hosting the Olympics. In a country of a billion oppressed, and often criminally treated people, the concept of the "peace" Games is obscene. But, that's just how I feel about it.

  9. caz: Me too. More pressure should've been applied on the ChiComs to change their ways before even entertaining the idea of allowing them to host the Olympics.

    Then again, the Olympics have fallen so far in my eyes that they don't mean that much to me anymore.
