
Friday, July 20, 2007

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

...a three-week old black panther whose adoptive mother is a Rhodesian Ridgeback.

Baby Panther Adopted By Dog.

With all the news about Michael Vick's cruelty to dogs, here's a dog behaving in a more humane way towards a different species than a human.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. Look at the claws on that little sucker.

  2. Seriously. And it looks really mad.

  3. now, there's a black panther I can get behind...


  4. jenny: little Adam is just a baby, he's probably more scared than anything else. I wouldn't want to deal with him when he's much older.

    bw: heh heh. You're such a card ;-)

  5. Oh Cube, I think he's a beauty.

    I 've always dreamt of owning a Black Panther, or a Leopard..

    You certainly wouldn't need a security system with one of those guys around eh?
    And you'd want to make certain he was well fed too!

  6. I rather fancy being a jaguar Kath.

    Won't take this little fella long to be a big fella though.

    He'll be beautiful.

  7. Cubinity,

    I hope the little panther doesn't get taken by North Korean thugs and given to Kim Jong Il. You know how he uses them of course!

    I hear Danny Glover and Sean Penn have demanded the kitten be euthanized before he grow up and kill them.

    I'm so ronery.


  8. kathy: Beautiful & lethal. Keep that raw meat nearby.

    caz: Jaguars are beautiful too. I've always fancied driving one ;-)

    QQ: lol! Yes I do know what the evil N. Koreans do with panthers.
    That's why I'm rooting for Team America. F*** yeah!

  9. Holy crap, that thing looks evil in that picture!

  10. brooke: I think it's a cutie now, four months from now, not so much ;-)

  11. Funny story:

    The Zoo has a smallish jungle cat on display that is all black and about the size of a large housecat.

    I forget what species it was, but the kids saw it and went nuts because he looked "just like our Jack!"

    So now we have a "zoo pet." lol!

  12. brooke: I guess our Felix qualifies too.

  13. He's sooo cute!!! I want one!
