
Monday, July 23, 2007

Trek Beefs

Trekkie posted the following list ...

10 Things I Hate About Star Trek

I can hear some of you now... only 10?



  1. Funny list. Now I'm off to recalibrate the sensor array.

  2. Got any spare Dilithium crystals?

    That list made me laugh out loud!!!!

  3. "Firefly:

    Captain: "Let's shoot them."
    Crewman: "Are you sure that's wise?"
    Captain: "Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I'll BEAT YOU WITH until you realize who's in command."
    Crewman: "Aye Aye, sir!"

    Ow, my sides! Oh!


    " If you're going to put me in front of a fuseless exploding console all day, the least you could do is let me sit down. "

    Oh, crap... I hope my computer has one of those fuse thingies! ;)

  4. Whoopi's hats, they could have used them for a spare saucer, OR as a nifty shield to protect you from exploding consoles....
    I have a chain...


  5. jenn o'jungle: dilithium crystals will cost you...

    brooke: Can you believe I bought the entire Firefly series on DVD & have yet to finish it?

    I pay waaaay to much attention to books & am sorely lacking in DVD skills.

    nanc: And you love us ;-)

    tmw: Whoopi's hat were over the top. Wasn't one of her hats what started the whole Roswell thing in 1947?

    What's really scary is that Al Gore was born 9 months later. Do you suppose there's some connection?


  6. The best Che Guevara T-Shirts Ever!!.I've found a good che guevara related t-shirts site: look at Buy T-Shirts Gifts , alsa Buy T-Shirts Gifts and finally Buy Che Guevara T-Shirts Gifts

  7. carlos: You'd better check with your crappy marketing department. The BLOG is probably one of the worst blogs in the world to be advertising that piece of crap Che merchandise.

    To me, the only good Che, is a dead Che.

    Dead Che.
    Dead Fidel.
    Dead Hugo.

    Get it now?

  8. dang Cube..look how young they look!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. angel: Yes, and damned handsome devils they were ;-)

  10. What an excellent list, very enjoyable.

    Must go, I feel the household vortex fluctuating. Someone will have to bung on a tool belt and fix it.

  11. Caz-Just don't reverse the polarity and it should be alright!
    You could do the Russian from the movie Armageddon, hit it a few times with a wrench! He hated Chinese made equipment. ;)
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  12. Cube,

    So I guess ol Queequeg isn't the only one peeved at the obsolesence of money. Picard acting pensive?

    And btw Carlos, if theose Che t-shirts are intended as targets for the rest of us to aim at I want a target rich environment.

    Additionally, Che Guevara was a coward of enormous proportions who would hang back whenever the slightest possibility of danger loomed. No wonder the gutless, traitor crowd loves him so! They always get others to do their heavy lifting.

    Commies and Moslem whackos-who'd figure we could fight em both at the same time?

    Get Some,


  13. caz: fluctuating household vortex sounds serious. You'd better use the multiplex demodulator.

    tmw: a Russian not liking Chinese equipment! That's a laugh.

    qq: Well said. I can't agree more. Who better to admire a gutless traitor than the gutless traitor crowd?

  14. #2 has always cracked us up. We can't help but giggle when Wesley comes out of the holodeck. Poor guy, they need to get some geek loving teenage girls for him or he's going to explode...

  15. big klingon warrior chubby?!?!

    bwa ha ha


  16. Damn it, tried the ever faithful multiplex demodulator, now I can't find the house!

    Everyone hold on tight while I reverse the polarity.

    Back soon, okay, but if you don't hear from me, well, you know ...

  17. caz: Life isn't like Star Trek. Whatever you do, don't reverse the polarity!


  18. Cube: That last episode of Firefly is a real TRIP!

    There's another one toward the end worth seeing. It has to do with an old war buddy of Mal and Zoey smuggling black market internal organs inside his body. WHOO!

  19. brooke: What I've seen of Firefly I've liked very much, but like I said, I'm somewhat challenged when it comes to watching DVDs.

    They have a habit of sitting on the counter while I either read or watch Forensic Files or Law & Order: SVU/CI on cable.
