
Sunday, September 02, 2007


Clooney: Obama's Like A Rock Star

Did Clooney even graduate from high school?

Crack a book, you bonehead!



  1. lol Cube..he is such a Leftard..who cares what he thinks eh!

  2. I sure don't care what he thinks!

  3. I know you're both right, but it never ceases to amaze me just how dumb these celebtards can be.

    Obambi has zero experience running anything, much less a country, but just because he's popular, No-clue-ney thinks he's presidential material.

    What color is the sky in his world?

  4. May I then assume that Clooney has no problem with the war in Pakistan, or "age appropriate" sex ed for kindergarteners?


  5. I hope Elke gets better soon! Teddy had to wear one of those cone head collars for awhile and he broke three of them bumping into things. My health is has improved by leaps and bounds. We were hit by a tornado last Sunday and just got our power restored yesterday. I will try to catch up with the months I missed here as soon as I can. You have never been far from my thoughts.
    I have missed you.
    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) hugs
    (")_ (")Š from
    the Cool Raggedy one

  6. brooke: You got it. No-clue-ney buys the entire liberal package. Honestly, talk about skulls full of mush...and they're adults!

    raggedy: Thank you for your kind words about Elke. It's good to hear from you again. I'm so glad your health has improved. I was quite worried about you.

    I have missed you too and am glad you're back :-)

  7. who can take anything seriously from anybody with "looney" in their name?


  8. BRAVO!
    I love this post! Cloony and his lefty lunatix can take a leap.
    Keep up the great blogging!

  9. Man, he's just not going to be able to get by on his looks for much longer, is he? He needs to smarten up...

  10. nanc: There you go again, stating the obvious with a touch of humor!
    Good job.

    reojames: Thank you for your kind words.

    jen: Hey stranger. Good to hear from you again. You are right about C-Looney's looks fading... unfortunately, he's got a long way to get smart.

  11. Like Obama is like totally hawt and totally like AWWWesome!

    According to the article, Clooney will be pleased with any Democrat who gets elected.

  12. he may be dumb, but he sure is purty

    I wouldn't take political advice from a victoria's secret model, either.
