
Monday, October 15, 2007

Gore Bashed


Dr. William Gray, one of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" and the product of "people who don't understand how the atmosphere works".

Gore Gets Cold Shoulder

A breath of fresh air.


  1. Finally! I hope people listen...

    RYC, I finally started getting rid of books about a year ago. Up to that point, I never did, and the bookshelves were taking over my house! I felt dirty and guilty about it at first, but now it's just nice to have the space back :)

    BTW-The one thing I've ever decluttered that I've wanted back was a book. I got rid of a paperback of Stephen King's "The Bachman Books" from back in the day. There was a story in there about a school shooting, and he won't allow that story to be published any more. So, I can't get ahold of the story, and that's a bummer, but I'm managing. Considering I've gotten rid of thousands of books, I figure that's pretty good...

  2. i cannot believe people even place any value in the nobel anymore.

  3. jen: Sounds like my house. We're at the point of culling our books because they're taking over.

    BTW I may still have that book. Problem is, I'm not sure where it is. I'll let you know if I find it.

  4. angel: It is a good line, but I can't take credit for it. It's the title of the article.

    nanc: I know.

  5. Brrrrr...a bit chilly for Gore.

    Jen--there are some of The Bachman Books on ebay right now--pretty cheap too. (I was just on there this morning to get a copy of The Shining for a friend--at that time there were many of them up for auction)

  6. I respect Dr. Gray. Living in Florida we have learned to trust his predictions and his feed back on where a storm was headed and what the strength was going to be!
    algore the tree on the other hand...
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  7. Good on the Dr.!

    I hope he isn't blackballed for his truthful speech!

  8. tmw: Gray was expert enough to knew his limitations when it came to predicting the weather. Meteorologists use computer models and basically make the best guess, but it's still a guess.

    brooke: The good doctor says he doesn't care about grants & is, thus, beyond blackballing at the twilight of his career.

  9. jen: It really bothers me when I can't find a book that I know I own. I finally found my copy of the Bachman Books. "Rage" is the novel that deals with the school shooting. Is that the one you're looking for?
