
Friday, November 02, 2007

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

...beware the vampire cat.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. i locked clawed mewnet in the pantry so i wouldn't miss catblog friday!


    pkak...he probably turns into one of <^--^> after dark, no?

  2. Serves you right for using the leaf blower to dry him after you failed to drown him! ;p


  3. Must be related to our hunter next door. Whose going to argue with a face like that?

  4. Dusti, one of my cats, bears a remarkable resemblance to this picture. And, yes, she has vampire fangs! The vet says that her fangs aren't particularly long, but rather that he mouth is configured so as for her fangs to show in such a threatening manner.

    Actually, Dusti is one big scaredy-cat--unless she feels threatened. ;^)

  5. What? He's clearly just a grinning kitty!

  6. By any chance have the neighborhood dogs been going missing lately?

  7. nanc: I wouldn't be surprised. Cats lead double lives, you know.

    tmw: I'm betting nanc is a closet cat lover.

    jill: Not me. He looks like he doesn't miss any meals.

    aow: We used to have a kitty with an underbite. Upside down fangs ;-)

    brooke: He does look like he's smiling. Must be chow time.

    etchen: lol. A chupa-perro!

  8. Happy Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday Cube!..meow!

  9. Yikes! Tell me those are Photoshopped teeth.

  10. He's the same colour as my puddy tat, though not nearly as handsome!

  11. angel: Have a good one!

    jan: Those are real, baby! Let's all thank goodness domestic cats
    are way smaller than we are otherwise they would eat us if the kibble supply were to be interrupeted ;-)

    kathy: If you had your own blog, you could post photos of your handsome kitty... *wink*wink*nod*nod*

  12. Ooh, evil kitty, evil kitty!

  13. Reason #92 why I'm a dog person!

  14. BE-I was raised a dog person, then I got married...he had 4 german shephards(with ribbons and trophy's for training)1 evil American longhair(who hated women)and 2 teddy bear hamsters...later he got out his fish tanks....
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  15. beckeye: I can't classify myself as either a dog or a cat person. I like them both. I'm a sucker for animals of all kinds.

    tmw: I'd call your place a zoo if it didn't sound so much like my house ;-)
