
Thursday, November 08, 2007

Cat Shooting Fool

I saw this on this morning...

Jimmy Carter: He Will Slay Your Cat

He was just trying to sting the cat with bird shot?

Oh, Margaret.


  1. Amazing how libs are usually the ones who're cruel to animals.

  2. angel: I wish that cat had had a chance to scratch that fool.

    brooke: I hear you. But we conservatives get the heartless label.

    What kind of a man shoots his sister-in-law's cat, even by accident? So his aim is as off as mind.

  3. I knew he had a grudge against killer bunnies...but cats???

  4. I think jimmah cahtah has a grudge against the whole world for not realizing his innate goodness and worthiness!
    That poor cat, getting killed by an idiot...
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  5. he had his eye on that cat for have killed that cat with bird shot...


    >^00^< SCAREDY-PKAK!

    ...everybody knows a 150 mph leaf blower, turned on at just the right time while sneaking up on the cat will send the cat into the neighbor's yard where the cat will remember - 150 mph leaf blower - bird feeder...bad combo...or so i've heard. *;]

  6. In Jimmy Peanut's own words I’ll be glad to get you another of your choice.

    Speaks volumes as to his character, IMO.

    PS: If a leaf blower isn't handy, a vacuum cleaner will usually do just as well.

  7. phoenix: The business with the rabbit was yet another freaky episode in Carter's life. I remember it well.

    tmw: He is a vile, petty little man. He just can't stand the fact that his legacy stinks on ice.

    nanc: Buffoon fits.

    aow: Yes, he's just going to replace his s-i-l's pet with another cat as though that will make it all go away. It speaks to his lack of good character.

  8. And here I was thinking I couldn't possibly detest him anymore than I already do.

  9. Worse yet, he writes her a not instead of calling, as if it's nothing more than a lost magazine to be replaced.

    No ego there. Snerk.
