
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Humor

[The BLOG note: cartoon copyright John Pritchett]


  1. We're having turkey at my house.

  2. Oh, us too!

    No rat milk, though?

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I hope the turkeys kill the humans in a "humane" way that would satisfy the Humane Society of the U.S.

  4. I'm feverishly making blog buddy rounds, and this is the funniest thing I've seen!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    Eat well and enjoy each and every morsel.

    Oh, and God bless Mr. Whipple's family.
    I bet they ALL use Charmin.

  5. Wishing you and everyone else here a very Happy Thanksgiving ebuc!

    Enjoy your turkey.

    God Bless America.

  6. yummmmmmmmm!pizza...mmmmmmmm!..Happy Thanksgiving Cube..almost time to eat and count blessings! :)

  7. We're having turkey and ham at our neighbors' house. With all the trimmings, of course.

    Blessed Thanksgiving to you, Cube!

  8. That reminds me of that Far Side comic where you see the farmer carrying eggs into his house, passing the chicken carrying a human baby out to the barn. Hee hee!

    Hey, I got a super cool package today! In a few minutes, the Cube Lovefest will be posted at my blog. Thanks, I'm so excited!

  9. Jen sent me here today...loved the phone prank. I wish I would have been smart enough to do something like that. hee hee

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your's, Cube!
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  11. brooke: Hmmm, I might just surprise my guests ;-)

    phoenix: lol. Probably tastes like chicken.

    jan: Good point, but wouldn't the turkeys call it "turkane" instead of humane?

    j.d.: Glad you liked it. Last year's Thanksgiving post had a Trek theme, so I thought I'd stay with the science fiction angle.

    yhtak: Thank you for the kind words. God bless our Aussie friends too.

  12. angel: The turkey is already in the oven. I can hardly wait.

    aow: Hamkey? Turham? Whatever. It's all good.

  13. jen: The Far Side was a wickedly clever comic. Loved it.

    Glad you got the book. I just checked the Cube lovefest...


    Oh my! My head is swelling as I type ;-)

  14. renee: Glad you liked it. Thanks for dropping by.

    Yes, that Tom Mabe can think on his feet.

    tmw: Amen to that.
    I want to wish all of my blog buddies & their families a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Now pass the gravy ;-)

  15. Hilarious!

    Sorry for not being around - working all the time these days.

    I am so grateful for all of the wonderful people I've met on the Internet, and I wanted to MAKE the time to stop by and wish you and yours a fabulous Thanksgiving!

  16. Gobble Gobble
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    (=':'=) huggles
    (")_ (")Š from
    da Raggedy one
