
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Congressional Scrooges

Rep. Steve King Upset That Group Of Democrats Opposed Christmas Resolution

This was a Resolution recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.

The measure passed by a 372-9 vote, with 10 recording a neutral "present" vote and 40members not voting.

Click here to see The Roll Call Of Votes

I also would like to know how they could vote 'yes' on Islam, 'yes' on the Indian religions and 'no' on Christianity.

I find this to be a shameful display of political gutlessness.

Vote those suckers out of office. They don't deserve to be in Congress.


  1. This vote was a no brainer.

  2. harry: I hear you. How can you not vote for this?

  3. angel: It made my blood boil thinking about all the time & money these politicians waste and you can't count on them to vote for something like this.

  4. Aaarrrrgh!

    This goes right along with the left trying to convince people that the US was not founded as a Christian nation.

    I think someone needs to go read the Mayflower Compact again for a start.

  5. Honestly why on Earth are EITHER religions up for a vote in Congress?!?

    For pity's sake, they can't work out a frickin' budget, but they've got time for this?

  6. I also would like to know how they could vote 'yes' on Islam, 'yes' on the Indian religions and 'no' on Christianity.

    A sad day for America, isnt' it?

    Christianity is being pushed aside in our society as the left embraces anything else. Ugh!

  7. cary: They can't change the past if we don't let them. The left doesn't have the lock on the press that they used to have.

    brooke: Our tax dollars at work. Disgusting, isn't it?

    aow: It's only a sad day for America if we let them get away with this crap.
