
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Clinton History

NY Times' Matt Bai seems surprised at the Clintons' "latest turn into ugliness"...

The Clintons and History

What? Has he been living in some parallel universe? poster uno doesn't hold back:

"History shows that Bill Clinton is a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, masturbating, wife-cheating, nipple-twisting womanizing serial rapist, finger wagging liar, bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll and despicable, self-serving, power grabbing, money grubbing thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred!
Then along with his criminal business partner Hillary they managed to turn the Whitehouse into a Motel 6 brothel by selling the Lincoln bedroom to the highest bidder and continue to this day selling the Presidency of the United States of America for your own personal and political gain! The absolute corruption of both of these creatures is permanently mounted, nailed, screwed and glued into their souls and is only exceeded by their unbridled greed and lust for power at any cost. Now THAT’s history!"


I enjoyed that comment more than the article.


  1. That comment was really good! :D

  2. hehehe

    And those are their GOOD qualities

  3. That was AWESOME!

    They look like such nice kids. Tsk tsk.

  4. I'm loving the photos ... I assume they're bogus?

  5. Thanks for taking time to answer on my blog and for the comments. Someone had e-mailed me a set of photos of different presidents in drag (obviously digitally done, but very funny). Clinton was one of them. I guess that's why I thought these were doctored.
    Hillary actually looks better now :)

  6. nina: Glad to help. As far as Hill goes, she should bow down and thank the wonder of modern day plastic surgery.

  7. Damn, Billy was sporting the porno beard back then.

    I think my sister had a pair of those horrid eyeglasses Hillary was wearing...

    Sorry I haven't been around man.
