
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dropping Out

It's the end of the road for the campaigns of Rudy Guiliani and John Edwards...

I'm hoping Mike Huckabee drops out next.


  1. Edwards is dropping out? What will all the soup lines do now?

  2. Don't count him out yet. Being VP isn't beneath him. Hallelujah!
    There's hope for the soup lines yet.

  3. I hope Huck drops out sooner than later.

  4. brooke: Yeah, Huckabooboo should drop out ASAP.

    angel: I hear you. I just watched Rudy's McCain endorsement speech and I can't help thinking why couldn't it have been the other way around. At least they're talking about the islamofacist threat, unlike the dems.

  5. I'll vote for Romney this Tuesday (as you did), even though I know AR will go for Huckabee. MY vote will be for Romney!
    I was hoping for Giuliani or Romney for the Rep candidate. I've got my fingers crossed that Romney can somehow pull it out and win the nomination.
    Things look pretty good for McCain at this point.
    I know he'd be FAR better than any Dem when it comes to being Commander in Chief.
    I had such high hopes for Fred when this whole process started. Oh well.... the saga continues...
    Oh, and I wish Huckabee would drop out too, but he won't until after Super Tuesday which isn't good news for Romney.

  6. j.d.: Just like Rudy drained votes from Romney in Florida, Huckabee will drain votes from Romney in Arkansas.

    Again, if McCain wins, his choice of VP will be critical in November.
