Who's Afraid Of John McCain? asks Kyle-Anne Shiver in The American Thinker and concludes that it is the Clintons who fear him.
I think Shiver left out a third possibility C: the Clintons are calculatingly trying to arrange the easiest opponent for themselves to beat.
It sounds like Billary is going to have it's hands full with Obama; but you are right, McCain will be a cinch to beat.
ReplyDeleteToo many conservatives, myself included, cannot bring themselves to pull the lever for this RHINO.
I'm hoping Romney gets the nomination. He's got good business sense and a personal life that's free of scandal.
ReplyDeleteBut I will hold my nose and vote for McCain because letting the democrats win and control all 3 branches of the govt. would be even more horrible.
I hope people remember the lessons of the 2006 election.
I think the Clintons should be afraid of everyone as they are showing their true colors in this campaign.
ReplyDeletejan: While the Camelot lovefest was happening for Obama, Hill came out railing against Bush and how he's "out of touch with the American people". Doesn't she know he's not running?
ReplyDeleteMcCain does cause me some McPain when I think of him as our nominee. Florida holds a lot of powerful sway tomorrow, and I hope they give Romney or Giuliani a win. I would be okay with either. I would not be at all happy if McCain or Huckabee won, and it doesn't look like Huck has a chance. McCain does, and that bothers me.
ReplyDeleteGod help Floridians as they make their choice!!!
Perhaps because I am somewhat of a contrary individual, perhaps because I don't like the offerings of either party or the long, long decades of partisan politics that have dragged this country into the waste bin in so many areas, perhaps because of my belief that neither party acts in the sole interest of the entire country, nor even for their constituency but always in their own selfish, self-serving interest, perhaps because I want to fire the lot of both parties and send them all home, but definitely, I won't be voting for anyone that comes from east of the Mississippi river and the farther east they are, the more apposed I am to them.
j.d.: I hear ya. Let's hope the rest of Florida listens to you.
ReplyDeletebr: You have a point about being tired of partisan politics, but at this point, I can't see how allowing the dems to win the 3rd branch of the govt would help improve this country's lot.
I don't have an arbitrary voting rule because each election is different. I'm voting for the person whom I think will have the best chance of beating the dem candidate.
Of course, we must all vote our conscience. I would never tell anyone how to vote.
George Will (I think) wrote a really good article about how McCain is like the Republican Clinton.
ReplyDeleteClearly he believes McCain could really damage the party.
voracious: It was George Will. I read it. What's worse is, I don't think he'll get the chance to ruin the party because he won't beat any of the dems.
ReplyDeleteThe dems will dredge up the Keating Five, and attack his age, his health, how he's just the continuation of the Bush years, etc.
I am not so sure they can use the Keating Five against McCain. Four of the keating Five were dems, so they can't point at him without pointing at the major contribution members of their own party, who were singled out for greater fault, contributed.
ReplyDeleteAs for more of the Bush years, I don't think so. McCain has often spoken his own mind and taken his own path often at odds with Bush. In fact, as you state has just shown, McCain could swing many votes from a wide cross section of the electorate, including independants and dems. It all depends on the marketing and how the game is played.
br: They'll say he's a continuation of republican rule, as in supporting Bush's war.
ReplyDeleteAnd there's still his advanced age and the bouts of cancer.
I for one don't buy the too old argument. For an 81 year old, he has shown he is a man of stamina. FDR was confined to a wheelchair and died in office at the age of 63. Folks die at all ages, young and old and age is not an argument against ability to lead. In fact, his age I see as an advantage. He has lived in and through some of the most trying times in history the USA has experienced. He can look with experience at what went right and what went wrong. He, by his age, is far better to evaluate course, direction, speed on and in a far wider area then Clinton or Obama. It is not age that is or should be an issue, but mental capacity and I put his over Obama's or Clinton. Yes he has bought with cancer. Hard to find someone that that has not, 1 in 8, I think the figure is. That only means more attention need to be paid to who servers as the vice and how well they will work together. I for one don't consider him too old. I should be going so well when I am his age.
ReplyDeleteAs for continuing the Bush war, on that score, Obama is foolish thinking he can quickly pull out of Iraq, leave Iraq to be dominated by the influence of IRAN and not leave trouble for the USA to reap in triplicate as a result. At least Clinton is more reflective in that regard and can hardly deny any culpability concerning the Iraq war, noone in congress really can.
Again, how damaging the accusations are concerning health, war, age, depends on how they are responded to.
At this point, it is still a tossup anyway but I think the only way the Republicans will stay in the Oval office is with someone who can present themselves to and draw the large moderate/centrist and independant vote while at the same time working from the conservative side.
Time will tell anyway and in the long run, if congress was really doing its job on behalf of all the country and not catering to special interest and minority groups, who sits in the Oval office would not have such a polarizing and fundamental affect. As it should not if the checks and balances worked and the partisan politics stopped.
but, what do I know. Ultimately, only historians will rule on who or what was done right and what wrong.
br: I agree that it's not over yet, but if McCain is the rep nominee, then his VP choice will be critical.