
Thursday, April 17, 2008


T-shirts, hats, stickers, buttons from ...

...for the bitter small-town xenophobes clinging to their guns and religion.


  1. ROFL that is funny. I would buy one immediately if anyone over here would have a clue what it means :)

  2. You know more about the US political situation than the average American knows about German politics.

    I, myself, know very little beyond the fact that I prefer Merkel to Schroder by a wide mile.

  3. My daily Cube fix comes through again. This is a brilliant idea whose time has come.

  4. LOL! Very good!

    Of course, you'd have to be careful wearing it in a 'blue' area... A throng of 'tolerant' leftists might beat the crapola out of you..

  5. jan: Thanks. That went right to my head ;-)

    brooke: You really have to watch out for those "tolerant" lefties

    What I want to know is, how did the left end up with the cool color, blue, and the right end up with, ahem, ChiCom red?

    j.d.: Glad you like it.

  6. I've noticed that Obama does often tilt his head upward and look down his nose at his audience.

    Great graphic!

  7. aow: You are spot on with your comment and your reaction is why I felt the need to share this t-shirt with my readers.

    The sooner everyone sees what a phony-baloney Obama is, the better off we'll be.
