
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Corporately Annoying

A) Engraving of a twin-tailed siren (15th century); B) First Starbucks logo (1971 - 1987); C) Il Giornale logo; D) Merging of Starbucks and Il Giornale (1987 - 1992); E) Redesigned Starbucks logo (1992 - today); F) Current Starbucks logo, a revival of the original

The Changing Face of Starbucks - The History of the Logos Through the Years

...or how the Starbucks mermaid logo got her nipples back.

And finally, some humor at Starbucks' expense...

8 Types Of Annoying People You'll Find Inside Starbucks

My favorite is #1... Manager Who Refuses to Recognize the Words Small, Medium, and Large. This one cracks me up because I always order this way just to watch their reaction.


  1. Oh Starbucks, how I miss thee.
    I recently gave up their products; not hard choice when choosing between gasoline and coffee...

  2. Cube,

    I believe in the old style of commerce wherein the customer is treated like a guest who's patronage is welcomed. Kind of like the way I run my business. If I were to be treated the way so many people are treated at Starbucks it would not happen more than once.

    This is a vast improvement over the days when direct expletives would have been returned to any snide barista-(where the hell did they come up with this title?).

    Can you say Folgers at 06:00?

  3. I can't afford this stuff much anymore, due to the new gig with low pay, but I still can remember the (at least) weekly trips. it's kind of comforting to know that these jerkwads exist at all starbucks. Maybe starbucks pays them to come for "atmosphere"


  4. Very funny. I avoid these types of people by avoiding Starbucks or any other coffee place. Despite being in the medical profession I never acquired a taste for coffee without TONS of milk and sugar which just defeats the purpose. Why people fail to bat an eyelid at spending $5 for a cup of coffee (and $1.50 a bottle of water) but get all bitter about the rising price of gas is beyond me...

  5. I'm pretty sure I haven't been to a Starbuck either.

  6. hmmmmmmm...eight ounce quad latte - $4.00 plus tip = $4.60 x 8 = $12.80 gallon. let me think about that...nope, i can still get about 3.25 gallons of gas at that price!

    that and i've been making my own for about ten years now.

    there's not much they could put on their cups to entice me.

  7. "or how the Starbucks mermaid logo got her nipples back. " - That is just the funniest!!!!
    You crack me up sometimes!

  8. I didn't go to Starbucks when gas was $1.99 a gallon.

    Even now, I've only been very few times because my daughter wanted some vanilla raktajino confection. I invariably order some fruit smoothie. I've never even tried their coffee.

  9. anonymous: The word barista sounds Fratalian ;-)

    Folgers is fine with me too.

    bw: As they lose shares of the overpriced coffee market, they may have to stress customer service.

    dr. john: I agree, except no sugar in my coffee, just milk or cream.

    dmarks: I've only been a handful of times, mostly at the insistance of my daughter. I can be a softy.

    nanc: Hear. Hear.

    j.d.: Glad you liked it.

  10. Yet, Starbucks has sucked through all the logo changes.

  11. There is a nice little, locally owned coffee shop about 6 miles away...I think they are better than starbuck's, and they know about customer satisfaction!
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  12. I miss the Coffee Beanery. They're all out of business 'round my parts.

    I LOOOOOVE the list, too funny!

    I usually don't order the expensive crap from Starbucks, except the occasional coffee frap as a treat.

    I like to go up to the counter and say, "Yes, I'd like a small cup of coffee please."

    The person taking the order almost always says, "That's it?" in disbelief. LOL!

  13. I like to say Large when I order. haha.
