
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Subway Snub

Subway makes a delicious sandwich, but their latest business decision leaves much to be desired...

Subway Contest Snubs The Homeschooled

Why leave out the homeschooled kids?


  1. That's wrong. And rude. And a little mean. And unnecessary.

  2. I heard that part of the prize was $5,000 in sporting equipment.

    That'd be hard to give to a homeschool family.

  3. e.peeevie: Yeah. It's just bad business to alienate a part of your customer base.

    brooke: Don't homeschool families ally to a school or local YMCA-type organization for their sports programs? Couldn't the donation be made to a place of their choosing?

    I just think this promotion was poorly thought out. It should be tailored so that everyone can participate, otherwise you risk looking like blue meanies.

  4. I would love to get $5,000 in sports equipment for my house!

    But not enough to have a kid, fight this Subway contestant rule, and have him/her enter this contest.

  5. My guess is that the big prizes are tax writeoffs if they go to schools. Homeschool screws that up.


  6. Even if your homeschooled your still part of a school district. When I homeschooled my son (years ago) I had to turn everything in to the school district and they tested him yearly to make sure he was on track. So, the grand prize could/would go to the childs school district. I don't see how that would be a problem at all. I think subway is wrong with that decision.

  7. WTF that is discriminatory. And that is that.

  8. There are also home school coops and umbrella organizations. In our county is an independent sports affiliation that provides team sports to home schoolers, private schoolers and even public schoolers who don't want to be on a school team.
    Any of those would be a tax write off!
    I also noticed that they fixed the misspellings of the original promotional wonder they didn't want home schoolers, they can spell! LOL! I mean, come on, 'bastket'? :snert:
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!

