
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Michelle Makeover

Michelle Obama To Get A Subtle Makeover

The campaign can do what it wants, but no amount of makeover is going to make Michella Obama palatable to me as First Dog Catcher, much less, First Lady.

P.S. Ditto for Obama as President.


  1. Not that I really care, but to me Cindy could use a softer look.

  2. I'm afraid that a softer look is impossible for what the MSM refers to as the Stepford Wife of John McCain.

  3. This reminds me of the time that Hillary showed her feminine side by baking oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. It really fooled us all. Not.

  4. I'd take Cindy in her leather over Michelle in a 50's style sun dress ANY DAY.

  5. All Democrat First Ladies needed makeovers, to cover their phoniness.

  6. jan: I remember it well. Didn't fool me either.

    brooke: I'd take Cindy, rich beer heiress and all, over Michelle, the angry, seething with hatred for whites, unpatriotic child of American privilege. No question.

    shover: I hear ya! As phony as their husbands.

    wht: You can speak your mind here.

  7. Anything that keeps her from looking like RuPaul is an improvement.

  8. ROFL you always manage to crack me up with your posts.

  9. makeover?

    are you sure they didn't say "makeunderthebus"?

    rupaul! bwaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha!

  10. Like my daddy use to always tell can't polish a turd. I'm waiting to see if Bee-Oh will toss her under the bus along with the rest of his family.

  11. phoenix: RuPaul is a new one.

    kat: :-) Thank you.

    nanc: At this point, BO might be wishing for a do-over instead of a makeover for MO.

    8675309- :-) Thank you.

    jay: He may want to throw MO under the bus, but he's stuck with trying to soften her angry black self. You can't jettison a spouse. It's just not done.

  12. Your post is so right on the money. It amazes me that they can say one she did, saying that "for the first time in her life she is proud of her country", and then get mad when someone picks up on what she was saying. I don't care how much making over you do to the lady, and her husband, they are nothing but American hating, wanting to change America, white hating people, and people with so much hate in them cannot under any circumstances be allowed in the white house as President and First Lady. We already screwed things up letting the Clintons in there. And look what we got for that?

    And thanks for your comments on my blog. I finally found yours and will blogmark it to my blog.


  13. She's a pretty lady, but she seems to have a sour attitude. Her comment about just now being proud of her country is one that will resonate against her for along time. She did not have a slip of the tongue with that comment since she said it in more than one speech. I don't want a disgruntled First Lady.

  14. This can not be happening. Pinch me Cube. We are friggin lost if these people win. Goodbye friends, the parasite era is upon us.

    Got Ammo?


  15. Cube, its odd that there is a resemblance to Michelle here. Was this itentional on your part?? Michelle has too many teeth to fit in her mouth; probably because there is so much crap in there that there is no room for her teeth! Did anyone see her on The View?? I know, I know, why am I watching The View? Anyway, she was phoney baloney!

  16. elwoodin: Yep. The MSM is carrying the Obama water. I just hope the public realizes what an empty suit he is before the election.

    j.d.: Sour attitude is an understatement. Michelle's attitude is indicative of a long-term churning hatred of white people. I think Barry H. feels it too, but he just hides his emotions better.

  17. Hi, cube! you know that really DOES look like her in an exaggerated scary way? eeeoo

    Don't worry; they've hired her a speech writer, she'll be sounding all ready for First Lady real soon.

    I'll never forget hearing her say "Me and Barack..." Great grammar for Harvard, eh? Our tax dollars at work

  18. QQ: Yes, I have plenty of ammo, but we haven't lost yet. Have a little faith in the average American. I'm betting they can't force themselves to pull the lever for this empty suit and his angry wife.

    anonymous: Intentional, mayhaps. Subconscious, you bet. I think my subconscious mind was ruling my choice in picking this photo of MO, especially around the mouth.

  19. *lol* I may not live in America, but I have an idea about what you're on about here. very amusing pic.

  20. now, that's just lovely. How'd she get that olive tone to her skin?

  21. amazing, it looks like Obama's wife, too.
