
Friday, July 25, 2008

BEM Alert

Moon-walker Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

I just can't bring myself to believe...


  1. Oh, boy... Is the dementia setting in?

  2. I caught Dr. Mitchell on FOX and he seemed earnest to me. Either it is dementia or it's true.

    I can't bring myself to believe anything like this without proof. Show me the aliens. I want to see the aliens!

  3. I have a tendancy to believe there is life on other planets in the Universe. I am a little more skeptical that they have visited us.

    I haven't had time to follow this current story very carefully because of work but I can't help but be reminded of Dennis "they're coming to take me away" Kucinich

  4. I tend to believe that there is life on other planets simply because the universe is so vast.

    I predicted extrasolar planets for the same reason.

    I'm very skeptical about the whole alien visitation thing. I would need to see proof of it.
