
Wednesday, August 13, 2008


No, I didn't fall off the face of the planet...

Daughter number 1 is starting college and daughter number 2 is starting high school.


Needless to say, it's been busy at the Cube household.


  1. Whoa. Have yourself a cold one and relax asap, Cube! Maybe a Star Trek or FIREFLY (hint, hint) marathon will be in order when things calm a bit?

  2. Cube,

    I thought you said Mr. Cube bought you a nifty SUV. Sadly, that looks like an overloaded tricycle to me Cube.

    What else have you hidden from us?


  3. brooke: Oh, you remembered my lack of Firefly DVD watching. How sweet. I do need to catch up. I haven't even caught up with Serenity yet!!!

    QQ: If you've paid sufficient attention to The BLOG in the past, you'd know that I often use photos to make a point. My long time readers know this, perhaps you should question your own lack of sensitivity... I'm just saying ;-)

  4. WOw, we are in the same boat. Ypoungest daughter starting HS and the other one at home, ready for college. Hello from Paraguay.

  5. jungle mom: Except for the jungle part, we are kindred spirits. Hello from a Florida mom ;-)

  6. I'm in a hurry to get things done
    Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun
    All I really gotta do is live and die
    But I'm in a hurry and don't know why...

  7. papa frank: Don't you know it. The more I do, the more needs doing!

  8. Congratulations to the daughters and you!
    Is College daughter going away to school?
    good luck with it all!! xx

  9. Z: Thank you.

    I don't think we could handle her moving away just yet. She just turned 18 in July, a veritable child. College is close enough to drive to every day :-)

  10. Oh that's where you have been cube!

    I know how that is, been there done that. Fun Time!

    Good luck to your daughters and glad college campus is close enough to visit. :)
