
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Bye Bye Mookie

More good news from Iraq...

Moqtada Packs It In

Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr is disarming his Mahdi Army and will focus his group's efforts on politics and social work, perhaps while he pursues theological studies in Iran.

... community activism?

[The BLOG note: photo via etchasketchist photostream on flickr.]


  1. Wow! this is very good news!!

    Our Men Are doing such a great job!

  2. Our military will come home leaving a thriving Arab democratic republic behind. Imagine how that will affect next-door neighbor Iran.

  3. Hm.

    Can you say, regrouping?

    That's my gut.

  4. dd2: Myself, I'd feel more comfortable if Mookie was a messy puddle of DNA goo.

    brooke: I hear ya. Mookie is going to become a community activist. Does that ring a bell?

  5. Cube..that's hilarious "community activist"..sure DOES ring a bell!

    WHY is it only the Conservative media that gets news like this out.. Mookie was practically PUBLIC ENEMY #1, he retires to be Mother Theresa with a turban and we don't hear about it except at the WSJ and Cons. blogs?
    TYPICAL. Good get, Cube. WHO KNEW?

  6. Z: The MSM has been snowing the public for years. We can only continue to expose their liberal bias however we can, whenever we can.
