
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gaffes Galore

Obama Misspeaks, Calls Biden 'The Next President'; Biden Calls Obama 'Barack America'

We replayed it three times. I thought Biden said 'Barack Omera'...


Pass the popcorn.

Heh heh heh.


  1. I'm waiting for them to start doing pratfalls, Cube. LOL!

  2. Elitist gaffes and wife swapping -- busy day!

  3. I can't wait to see who Biden plagerises his next speech from!


  4. brooke: lol! Now you've got me thinking of Obama tripping over the ottoman a la Dick Van Dyke, or
    Obama & Biden filling in at the candy factory a la Lucy & Ethel... don't get me started on Laverne & Shirley... ;-)

    papa frank: Now that's a disturbing run of images. They make my eyes burn...

    bw: Well, it definitely wouldn't be from Massachusetts governor, Deval Patrick, because we all know Omera/Obama, a.k.a. the clean & articulate One, has already been there, done that.

  5. I swear I've watched that gaffe 3 times now on video and he IS saying Barack OMERICK. There's no 'a' at the end. weird.

    I seriously believe it was a 'gone stupid moment' and the media's protecting him, cube. it just doesn't sound like AMERICA to me.

  6. z,

    I think Biden simply caught himself midstream, and didn't complete the Obama-America blended word.

    What a maroon...

  7. the nancster will be so glad when this tragiocomedic affair is over.

    i cannot listen to, nor look at either one of those guys without thinking to myself, "#*^# effing **$#%# bee-ess *+#+#**!"

    how did this happen? what country is this?

  8. "#*^# effing **$#%# bee-ess *+#+#**!"

    This pretty much sums it up. This convention's going to be a good time.

  9. The dems always put on a great convention for my personal amusement. This one is shaping up to be one of the funniest.

  10. At 12:35 PM, Anonymous said...
    This is starting to get gooooood.

    I too heard no eck. I heard Biden yell omera, as in BARRACK OMERA. As though he was about to say HOOOOSEINN but stopped himself in the manner of desperation which he thinks passes for ninmbleness, and blurted out Omera.

    Democrat pit bull my arse! Furby maybe :)


  11. Z: a "gone stupid" moment... that fits Biden allright.

    wordsmith: maroon. That fits too.

    nanc: My thoughts exactly.

    chuck: I'm hoping for something throughly scandalous to happen, but I fear that they will be so controlled, that it will be more of a snorefest. Once can hope, though.
