
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mr. Bookman Is Out There

The BLOG has already dealt with the issue of Library Liability...

Now, comes news of A Wisconsin Woman, 20, Arrested For 2 Overdue Library Books

The morale of this story is... don't abuse your library privileges.

Mr. Bookman can really come to your house and arrest you!


  1. "overdue library materials ordinance"? Tehehe, cool. I have to go find out if we've got something like that here too. I don't know about White Oleander, but she could've at least stolen something better than Angels and Demons *shudder*

  2. I don't know either book, but I did read "The DaVinci Code". Unfortunately I read it after the movie came out & I couldn't get Tom Hanks' face out of my head throughout. He irks me.

  3. Our home town library ain't messin' around anymore.

    If the book is overdue, a notice is sent out....if it's not returned after 90 days, it affects your credit score.

  4. People just don't respect a free service anymore. Freeloaders.

    "Book 'em, Dan-o!"

  5. The way I see it, the library system has provided me incalculable enjoyment over my lifetime for free. FREE! So, I try to live within its rules, but if I stray, I gladly pay the fee.
