
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pumpkin Eater

Joe Biden showing how many times he has plagiarized someone else's work?

Maybe in Base Ten.

Refresh your memory of the events of 1988 with this short piece from Slate...

The Write Stuff: Why Biden's Plagiarism Shouldn't Be Forgotten.

I think Biden's cheating belies a lack of character. Like Obama, he will say anything for you. (Thanks for the coinage, QQ.]


  1. Looks like another chopped liver post...

    too bad. this is important stuff

  2. It could be the number of hair plugs he had had.

  3. The odd thing is the way I have seen every major media outlet refer to the 1988 plagarism outing. They all call it "alleged plagarism," even though (as I recall) he admitted that it happened.

    Odd. That's my nice word for this kind of thing.

  4. jan: 10 hair plugs? I would think he had more like a factor of 10 hair plugs.

    david: That's the liberally biased press for you. They use "alleged" when it's one of their own.

    Biden most definitely admitted to plagiarizing in law school and then the Kinnock speech.
    Subsequently, he also used parts of Kinnock's life as his own. It's sick I tell you. Sick.

  5. I'm hoping McCain makes a very wise VP choice.
    He needs to lean conservative on his pick, and I think a woman would be a great choice.
    We shall see...
    One thing's for sure, Biden has not caused any type of wow factor for Obama. If fact, Obama has to manufacture his wow factors which makes them come off phony.
    I'm thinking McCain is going to win this election and maybe by a big margin. That is if he doesn't do something incredibly stupid.

  6. j.d.: I'm hoping for a conservative VP choice, but I don't see any women candidates who qualify. IMO Kay Bailey Hutchinson is a great republican, but she hasn't run anything.

    I'm hoping it's Romney. He's a proven leader, he's attractive, and he's clean & articulate to boot ;-)
