
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Getting Tough

Jonah Goldberg has some interesting comments about the Obama campaign's new ad mocking John McCain for not using a computer.

Goldberg concludes that the Obama campaign must be GOOGLE-challenged because they didn't bother to find out why.

Wondering No More

McCain can't comb his hair, tie his shoes, or throw a baseball either, but he'll still make a better president than Obama.

This was dumb.

The implosion of the Obama campaign continues...


  1. Thanks for the link Cube.

    My God this Obama is such a whiny Bitch.

    Anyone seriously "feeling" about voting for the Bitch ( no thinking person would) needs real mental assesment. The Obobomaniacs are not just mentally ill mind you but profoundly stupid: a deadly combo for those around them.

  2. And Obama is prepared to take a job as tech support, I'm sure.

  3. Who emails the president anyway? Does the prez even have an email address? I'm going to try to send something to and see what happens.

  4. And even if McCain didn't sustain those permanent injuries, so what if he doesn't use a computer or send emails? He has plenty of people to handle for him. After all, when the Libs email Barry, do they really, truly think the responses are written by the Messiah himself? (Well, they probably do.) Time to get over themselves.

  5. Thanks for the link. When I first heard about the ad, my thought was he's going to fight back and get tough and this is what they came up with? If this is their version of a damaging attack, McCain can start sending out invites for the inauguration.

  6. Cube,

    Given the theme of this thread, tough guy Obama, it is time to bring up the unsaid, unspeakable, "how dare you" subject that is hanging there for me to see if no one else.

    Obama is likely to have girl friends. Perhaps additional children. It is not unheard of. Nor is it correct to ignore this likelihood.

    I would prefer to see this come out while it would harm his candidacy rather than after the election when he is harming our country.

    An ego his size, arrogance seldom encountered even by Washington standards, tends to attract the females. Just the way it is.

    And please don't waste my time telling me he is too disciplined to succumb to the adoring favors offered by legions of sweet things.

    And for the "it's just sex" bromide dispensers out there: this undermines his whole devoted husband racket.

    Well, any takers?


  7. We, as bloggers, are contributing all that we have against Obama. This is a good service that we're all doing and thanks for playing the part.

    I too, have posted something against Obama just earlier this morning so please stop in.

    It is our top priority to see to it that Obama does not get elected, and to see the libtards out of having a candidate for another four years.

  8. Obama's ad criticizing McCain's not using a computer is backfiring among some people I know, specifically, the elderly and the physically disabled -- not to mention veterans.

    Furthermore, those who came of age in the 1970s and even earlier know full well about why McCain can't type. It is Obama and his advisors who are out of touch!

    Obama is so panicked now that Palin is on the Republican ticket that he and his "advisors" are making huge gaffes!

  9. there was actually some nitwit obamatron on fox news a few minutes ago justifying his remarks - can you believe it? nevermind...


  10. Talk about a comedy of errors...I hope this guy fries in November!

  11. jan: Nobama gets frequent emails on his Blackberry from the likes of Scarlet Johansen. Think about the advice!

    beckeye: Good point. Turns out Bubba wasn't big on email & computers either. No Internet porn for him ;-)

    pasadena: It just isn't a good idea for a President, or a presidential candidate to have a trail of emails that can be used against him/her. Emails are notoriously quick & not well thought through. I know I wouldn't want my emails scrutinized by the Central Scrutinizer...

  12. woman: Yeah. Lucianne's got much to be proud of in Jonah.

    chuck: From your lips to God's ears.

    QQ: I can't say it's not something that has crossed my mind. You are braver than I am to bring up this subject. Frankly, seeing how long it took for news of the Edwards affair to come to light, would the MSM even divulge proof of an Obama infidelity? I think they'd try their best to hide it until after November.

  13. steve h.: I agree that we must all do our part to keep Nobama out of the White House.

    aow: I agree. Seems like everything Nobama does recently is blowing up in his face. Hee hee hee.

    nanc: Not surprising. Obama's whole career has been one free pass after the other via affirtmative action.

    edge: Me too.

  14. nanc: Can you tell that I'm an affirmative action typist? I was promoted beyond my actual keyboard skills ;-)
