
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Blog After Death

What Happens To Your Online Stuff When You Die

I hadn't really given this subject much thought before...


  1. some living bloggers would be nice

  2. Yes, this is a very interesting a philisophical / sociological topic. Not only has the internet expanded one's sphere of influance across the entire world, but it has also made it last longer after people die. "Regular" people that is.
    An interesting site is
    This site features the profiles, and storys of people who have died and left their myspace page behind. It is WORTH a visit since it is really interesting and creapy. You can read about what happened to a person then click on a link and it will take you to their myspace page. Their you can read all the little notes that their freinds and loved ones have sent to them after their death. I read one a long time ago where a guys wife wrote him a note everyday for a year ending with her finaly being able to say goodbye.

    If you are interested there is a blog I know of owned by a guy who just disapeard.
    His grandson manages it.

    That is all.


  3. anonymous: Yes, live bloggers certainly beat the alternative.

    leslie j: It's a bit creepy, all right.

    About the guy who disappeared, maybe he's just pretending to be his own grandson for attention.

  4. This aspect had never entered my mind...I have copies of my work in paper files - those produced before blogging..HMMM- I'm going to have to re-think as to what to do w/ my blog work to preserve it.

  5. I doubt he is pretending to be his grandson. The original author was interesting i.e. an ex-Amish homosexual artist. His grandson is rather bland.

  6. christian soldier: If I knew anything about the publishing industry, I'd try to market a way to publish blogs, complete with photos, comments, etc., for a small fee that is...

    leslie j: Very intriguing. Does his grandson have any idea where he disappeared to?

  7. I dont think so. He just vanished. I think they found his car in the forest with no signs of foul play. The cops gave up.

  8. leslie j: Weird. Did he happen to know Hillary Clinton?


  9. Interesting thought. I am not as worried for vanity's sake but it would be nice to let my grandchildren, greatchildren, etc. say. Of course if the Obamination is elected, my grandchildren may be asking "what's a conservative?"

  10. I'd never thought of this.

    I guess I could get my hubby to "ghostwrite" for me.


  11. The nice part is that you can read what you wrote say 10 years after you died (presumably there will still be internet and you will be able to read on 10). It's like leaving a message to your new self. It's kind of nice. :) Even if it's sad for the blog. I think that gives a good reason to use public services like Blogger instead of paid ones-once you stop paying your stuff get lost.

  12. chuck: I agree. I'd love for my descendants to know that one of their forebearers tried to stave off the entitlement mentality of the lazy good-for-nothing Obama voters.

    I fervently hope that your descendants, as well as mine, know the meaning of the term 'conservative'.

  13. brooke: BOO!

    denitsa: I'm not sure I understand your comment. I'm not trying to be difficult, but how would a dead person read their comment ten years after they died?

    If you have some special knowledge in this regard, I'd love to hear it ;-)

    I do agree with you that a free web hosting service would keep your precious web logs online longer than a fee-based-server.

  14. You know I have thought of that...then I take a nap...or get something to eat...


  15. i, salubrina, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my blog to my dog, cause, hey, it beats leaving it to the cat.

    cube, do you know craig ferguson - he does a late night talk show on cbs. he's always talking about the sneakiness and evilness of cats. he claims they will eat you after you die.

    being the cat blogger, i ask you....any truth to this eating dead humans thing? :-(}{)

  16. Obviously, the dead person won't read them, its reborn self will.
    Sorry, it won't make sense to someone who doesn't "believe" in rebirth. But it makes sense to me.

  17. edge: Yeah, not worth dwelling on...

    salubrina: I'm not familiar with this Ferguson person, but he's dead wrong about cats. I've never heard of cats eating the dead and zombie cats eat living people.

    I did read in the paper of an old woman who died at home and when they found her days later, she had been partially consumed by her dog.

    I think any animal, if hungry enough, would feed on an available body. Nothing points specifically to cats being more likely to do so.

  18. denitsa: rebirth as in reincarnation?

  19. Ah, yeah :) I wondered what was the word, but was too asleep to check. Reincarnation I meant.
