
Monday, October 20, 2008

Burger King

When I first heard about a man eating a belly-busting 15 lb. hamburger, I thought the man was Guy Ritchie, Madonna's soon-to-be-ex-husband. I mean, having a vegan diet forced upon you for 8 years can do strange things to someone with a normal appetite for meat.

Turns out it was another guy...

Pa. Man Chews Through Belly-busting, 15-lb. Burger

If that isn't meaty enough, there is (or was) a world record holding burger that weighed in at a whopping 100 lbs.

Real King Burger

Hungry, yet?


  1. there used to be a place near the cabin that had a "hubcap" burger and fries - if you could eat the whole meal, they'd give it to you - it wasn't the exact size of a hubcap, but quite large - don't know why anybody would want to eat one when a half pounder is sufficient.

  2. I could never eat one of those monster meals either. I can't figure out what motivates a person to even want to do it.

  3. ahhh America is great, huh folks? I am sipping my coffee in my office reading about a guy that ate a 15lb hamburger just for the fun of it, and right now there is a kid in Uganda picking grains of rice out of the mud. Hey Sally Strothers! Get me a sandwhich!

  4. leslie j: Good luck with that. Sally Strothers doesn't look like she's walked past a sandwich in years.

  5. I'm glad you clarified that line about Guy Ritchie, Cube!
    Remember that line about Liz Taylor when she was fat "When Taylor goes to McDonald's, the number changes" her car has a bumper sticker that says "Honk if you have groceries!!"
    We had an ice cream chain here in LA called FARRELLS and, if you could eat the TROUGH (a huge bowl of 50 scoops of ice cream or something like that), you got a pin that said "I made a pig of myself at Farrells"

    I don't know what possesses anybody to try this stuff, but I like junk food enough to have tried pretty darned hard! Alas, along with age comes that nasty doctor telling you "NO"! Now it's TURKEY BURGERS...they're good, but.............

  6. Z: I remember those. I also remember the one about Rosanne Barr screaming at the microwave to hurry up! :-)

    Believe me, I can put away some junk food, but I draw the line at putting away heaps and mounds of it.

  7. I will never see a giant hamburger again without thinking of Madonna.

  8. No relationship is worth giving up FLESH!

    MMMMM. Burgers....

    Vegetarian = a bad shot.

    Vegan = a starving, even more annoying, bad shot.


  9. When I saw "PA man" I knew he was going to be in or around Pittsburgh, and sure enough...

    We 'Burghers love our burgers.
