
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jackson Over-Reveals


At the first World Policy Forum (whatever that is), Rev. Jesse Jackson promised some fundamental changes in America's foreign policy... comments that promptly got his his sorry carcass thrown under the Obama bus.

Jackson believes that although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.


Because "Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims," Jackson says. "Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith."

I'm not prepared for this New America, are you?


  1. Comfortable? NO, more like tortured...

  2. He seems to have a "plan" to get them all to sit around a campfire and sing Kumbaya.

  3. HA! I have a link to that story on my desktop; I was thinking about dissecting it tomorrow.

    Great minds... ;)

    Jackson is another nightmare association of Obama's.

    From the story:

    Jackson warns that he isn't an Obama confidant or adviser, "just a supporter." But he adds that Obama has been "a neighbor or, better still, a member of the family." Jackson's son has been a close friend of Obama for years, and Jackson's daughter went to school with Obama's wife Michelle.

    Jackson isn't an advisor... Yet. Picture this guy in a cabinet position or tickling Obama's ear on policy.


  4. The key here is how many voters will have been 1) bought off, 2) scared into voting for Obama and 3)outright fraudulent votes for him, as there is no question this jugeared marxist is a dagger aimed at our throats.

    Jesse just can't keep his big mouth shut. But he speaks true!

    Religious Jews should be very afraid of Obobo. Marxist Jews are no different than any other clepto-voter. The very rich have nothing to worry about and the poor pay no taxes anyway. So the key for a McCain victory is to get enough middle class voters who realize that it is really themselves who will pay Obonehead's new taxes.

    You don't really think Obobo really believes that crap he says do you? Only morons and uber timid types believe that batshit.

    Problem is: are there enough of them? That is the question.


  5. I still dont understand why anyone still listens to Jesse Jackson, even black people.

    If Jesse Jackson (the self proclaimed voice of all Black People) thinks he can start traversing the globe and be the voice of America he is sorely mistaken. Just hearing the phrase "forien policy" leave his mouth makes me scared.

    America: Mr Jackson can you please step down from your soap box?

    Mr Jackson steps down.

    America: Ok now please step backwards toward the pool of fire and magma--closer---closer-- now just one more step. Good bye Mr. Jackson.

  6. Just popping in to say hello. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  7. The amazing thing is this: Barack Obama has said quite plainly that he favors income redistribution (Marxism), that he will sit down with terrorist states without precondition, that he will tax this country back to the Stone Age. So at least he’s up front about his plan to dismantle 233 of the American experience. Jesse’s slip of the tongue may not have been a slip at all . . . it may have been a plumb to Muslim-Americans. And if true (that’s a small if), it absolutely makes sense when you consider Obama’s relationship with Farrakhan in Kenya (and what happened there).

    So what is my point? Anyone who votes for Obama actually deserves what will happen because of an Obama presidency.

  8. It's going to be whole new world in January I think.

  9. Was this the same Jesse Jackson that said Obama was talking down to black people and that he wanted to rip his nuts off? I don't think Jesse will be getting a cabinet position (God help us)...

  10. filthy Jew hating blacks..thats what they are and no one cares a lick!

  11. I haven't heard the audio yet, but I'm guessing Jesse's real proud of himself for being able to pronounce a big word like 'ecumenical'.

    And the fact that Obama "knows how Muslims feel" does not bring comfort to me ... Sorry!

  12. Does anyone listen to Jesse Jackass? I thought he had marginalized his popularity a long time ago.

    Yet, I can't help thinking he's purposely exposing Obama's plan with the full intention of causing him harm.

    They might've been close at one point, but I read resentment in Jesse's words about Obama. I think Jesse may think Obama jumped ahead of him in line & he resents him for it.

  13. Windypoo - I'm suprised he didn't find something to rhyme it with...

  14. dr. john: um, nonsensical? That usually describes everything he utters.

  15. I was thinking ambassadorship.
    Somewhere unknown and unimportant, hopefully.

    And oh, how I love his rhymes! ;-)
