
Thursday, October 30, 2008


Barack Obama: Red Diaper Baby

Obama's socialist sympathies didn't begin with Saul Alinsky...

According to Andrew Walken of the American Thinker:

"Barack Obama is a "red diaper baby" who has spent his formative years -- literally from the moment of his birth -- interacting with members and sympathizers of the Communist Party, USA."

Five days before the election and we're just learning this now?



  1. ahhh that is so awesome, I had this exact idea for a flag last night but have yet to get around to it, you just saved me a lot of work..

    that rocks..

  2. I wonder how much we will learn AFTER the election whoever wins.

  3. What a fitting flag. Sure hope he goes with this design, instead of messing up the current National Ensign.

  4. From Barack Obama’s memoir, “Dreams From My Father”:

    “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.” pg 100

    Stupid is as stupid does, or, Monkey see Monkey do.

  5. From Barack Obama’s memoir, “Dreams From My Father”:

    “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.” pg 100

    Stupid is as stupid does, or, Monkey see Monkey do.

    Delete this if it's a double post... not sure what happened.

  6. Gawfer said "monkey - isn't that speciesism?


  7. HI Cube! It's Etchen(used to be from todaysramblings--"the eternal student", just at a new blog site--not doing personal blogging, but just for the dog treat co. It's good to read yo9ur blog again. I hope all is well!

  8. Cube, just imagine the stuff we will find out after the election if he wins. Further, I think if he loses, he's done. The GOP will have 4 years to check him out for the next election. There will be no surprises next time.

  9. Forgot the GOP. His worst enemy, Hillary, will dig up plenty on her own. She's got a fire in her belly for it like no-one does.

  10. Cube,

    Another great post!

    Pretty clear you are right. The strategy obama has employed has been in keeping with those of Castro and Mao. Say multiple things depending upon your audience and structure your climb with mutually supporting brick work: Annenberg, Acorn, Ayers, Wright, liberal guilt, Media dominated by like minded leftwingers, tapping the coffers of the uber rich entertainment class, and absorb or destroy your most dangerous rivals.

    I have to tell you I am angry that it is even close. That Americans, of all people, have become so spoiled that they equate inconvenience or disappointment to the great civil wrongs of man! That any thought of not aquiring that next bauble or the even the slightest set back is a now a violation of our constitutuional rights.

    This is the Obama voter and it is shameful.

    Yet they are the ones who say the world is angry at us!

    While there are republicans and conservatives who are shallow and vapid and feel just as affronted when thir wishes don't come true, the democrats own the franchise of whining about their failings and blaming bogeymen.

    Obama has used the bogeyman, as have all democrats. No one else has been able to marshall the forces to sabotage the credit and stock markets while at the same time collecting 2/3rds of a billion dollars and register 3 times more democrats than actally are alive!

    And what are we doing to prevent an Indonesian citizen from becoming president?

    Hopefully enough!


  11. "Red Diaper Baby", I love that.
    If he goes way Left he'll really screw the economy, and it will be 4 bad years and then he will be gone, then more of the young and the minorities will learn more what kind of politics is better for them and their families. Not the Leftist so-called 'Liberal' way.

    But we WILL NEVER call Obama worse than Hitler (and certainly not McChimpy), or side with terrorists, dictators and 'enemy' countries over OUR President.

    Conservatives must try to influence the President with sensible debate and persuasion. The main reason the Left is so vicious is because the so-called 'Progressive' ideology is bankrupt at its core, and deep, deep, deep down where logic and rational thoughts dwell, I think they know it.

    I want to believe that Obama won't be as bad as some people think, but I'm quite sure, that at best, he won't be as good as most people hope he will be.

    I wish this site had come out earlier, I had some Obamabot friends finding out that they had big differences with Obama's positions:

    Years ago I was knocked off the voting rolls here in this very Blue City when I was a Republican, on this election day I found out I was knocked off as an Un-Affiliated. Next time I should register as a Democrat, maybe I won't get knocked off then.

    The biggest dangers come from the Left anyway, so my votes in this Blue State's closed primaries would be more important there.

    Telling Moonbats I'm a Democrat would stop some in their tracks too, maybe making it easier to chip away at the false veneer of so-called 'progressivism'.

    Let's hope he does well, at least not too badly, with the least amount of despair possible. May God Bless and help guide President Obama. And may God Bless and help save America! Keep the faith!
    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe hates
    history either way

    America WILL survive
    we MUST still fight for freedom

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    ELECT socialism

    let the young people see
    survive the false promises

    creating MORE jobs
    will spread NEW wealth around
    - it is NOT finite

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    give up the search for truth

    stop trying to show people
    how the world really works

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    Bush was worse than Hitler

    and Stalin and Mao
    and Castro combined

    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. If there is no freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
    POTUS-Elect BHO Thrills Earth!
    Help Halt Terrorism Today!

