
Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sharon Stoned

Judge: Stone Overreacted To Son's Foot Odor

Injecting an eight year old's feet with botox to cure his smelly feet?

That poor kid. Can you imagine having your life controlled by a loon like Sharon Stone?

That's an Obama voter for you.


  1. Sharon Stone wants to impose on her child the "fix" she got, maybe.

  2. Not much more dangerous than the gasbag-ette who insists on forcing her "superior intellect" on others.

    Not at all atypical of the O-Hole supporters.

    Have you noticed how few O-Hole '08' signs there are on yards, cars and buildimgs?

    Something tells me there is bullsh-t afoot! Seems the "ONE" is not as persuasive as the AP and their ilk would have us believe.

  3. Cube,

    Sorry about not signing the last post about Gasbag-ette Sharon Stone.

    Little known fact: she had a thing for me. Too wierd though. Her not me.

  4. when our kidz were small, they always had odiferous feet and shoes - i solved the problem by putting a piece of bbq charcoal into their shoes at the end of the day - not only did it absorb the moisture, but the odor would disappear also. i'd hate the thought of trying to fight them off at the doctor's office!

  5. It's frightening that whackjobs like these are allowed to raise children.

  6. they should botox their brains Cube..ha

  7. Who thought her whack ex husband would show common sense?

    She sure looks great at fifty, though. Maybe it's all that BOTOX? Maybe she wanted an extra prescription ...?!!!

  8. I wonder, has she tried washing his sox now and then ;-)

  9. Makes me mad at the moron who decided she was fit to adopt a baby in the first place!

    Poor kid!!!

  10. Um, can we say CHILD ABUSE?!?

  11. I heard this on the news. I was thinking, "So the kid has stinky feet??!! So what???? Aren't kids supposed to have stinky feet?"
    I feel sorry for celebrities who don't get the perfect kids they dreamed of.
    Just kidding.
    I feel sorry for their kids.
