
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Super Cube

Because I've had my fill of the MSM's fanatical support of Obama today and I had to disengage for a bit...

It's not perfect, I couldn't find a cube-shaped logo or a cat mascot, but it's close... yeah, right ;-)

Anyway, you, too, can be a superhero...

Create Your Own Marvel Superhero

[The BLOG note: Hat tip to MCF's Nexus of Improbability ]


  1. Funny how I just heard Rush telling the audience not to throw in the towel, that McCain hasn't lost yet...

    I haven't lost faith. I've just had my fill of the MSM building up the Big Zero.

  2. No kidding.

    The debate last night was simply agonizing. We could all use some fun!

  3. See the post I just added to my blog.
    "Archives prove Obama was a New Party member!"

    I wonder if that might change anyones mind?

  4. brooke: I skipped the debate. I didn't feel like subjecting myself to NObama's logorrhea.

    woman: :-)

    dd2: I emailed that article from the American Thinker to Rush about an hour ago. If anyone can get the word out, it's him.

  5. i didnt know you were a girl....or a kinky guy?

  6. leslie johnson: I am of the female persuasion. Here I am as an M&M Allright, not the best example ;-)

    I don't know why so many assume that cubes are automatically males. Where do you think little cubes come from?

  7. The very hard cold geometric shape would imply a male....well in my mind anyway. I always thought that little cubes came from bigger cubes. I was under the impression that they repordused asexually. learn somthing every day, and this makes number 2 for the day. Number 1 is: Never buy chocolate from a bum.

  8. Great costume.

    I found myself watching the clock constantly during the debate. It was boooring.

  9. I look at that super hero and Sarah Palin keeps coming to mind!

  10. This site is, like, the coolest thing. Ever. You are even higher on a pedestal in my eyes for bringing this to our attention.

    I must post about this. MUST!

  11. leslie johnson: Live & learn.

    BTW I don't think it's a good idea to buy anything, especially foodstuffs from a bum.

    chuck: I skipped this debate.

    Z: Super Sarah would be wearing a gun on a thigh holster.

  12. david a.: Aw shucks, it twarn't nothing ;-)

    No really, I'm glad you like it. Feel free to share it with your readers.

  13. Leslie Johnson made the same mistake I once did, until Cube corrected me and shocked my readers.

  14. cube,

    you make my brain expand and laugh with a hearty roar.

    thanks for visiting my blog, and, for this very cool post on your not-so-secret superhero identity.

  15. mcf: I remember that. Gosh, it's hard to believe that was in September 2006. Yikes! Where does the time go?

    BTW it was just as shocking to me to find out about my gender misidentity.

    Maybe if my avatar was a less 'cold & hard' shape...

    I've got it... I will henceforth be known as Blob.

