
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Troubling Timeline

The bloggers at Verum Serum are doing the investigative journalism the MSM has decided to reserve for errant republicans only.

They have compiled a very interesting timeline that Obama won't want you to see...

Crossing Paths Daily: Obama And Ayers Shared An Office (Update: For Three Years

Cozy? You betcha!


  1. It's pretty plain to me that Obama is a liar about his association with Bill and Bernadette Ayers. What else is he lying about? If his lips are moving pretty much everything.

  2. Cube,

    Go Navy!

    There is a target rich environment there for the blasting. Obobo is correct in telling his "flock" they are capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, as he told them yesterday.

    The last minute news flash is a timeless classic used by the left but, sadly for them, they are down to trolling My Space pages to generate hit pieces on Cindy McCain and Joe the Plumber.

    Meanwhile, Oboohoo the rockstar, has been handling and distributing millions of dollars and circulating with women other than his wife and yet there is no mention of pocketing some of that cash or dallying with some of those dolls! Not yet!

    There is still a wealth of time and McCain is now back in the margin of error in reliable polls.

    And don't forget the assistance coming in the voter fraud scrutiny now that the SCOTUS backed off. That is right; look for DOJ involvement this week. This (ACORN Business)is large scale felony and no bogus charge of racism is going to disenfranchise legal voters with out a fight!

    McCain has been holding back, like a man who has been hurt before and knows how much more he can take before hitting hard enough to win.

    Has he done what I wanted? Not hardly. Is he my 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice? No.

    Is he infinitely more qualified than a mendacious, unqualified, Marxist sock puppet who can only defend himself by crying racism?

    Oh yes.

    It is a long game and there is still a lot of time on the clock.

    Acorn, Rezko, Ayers, Marxism, Wright, no record of bipartisanship, no record of any kind of success, resume inflation and the coming reveltions of infidelity and financial malfeasance are more than enough tools in play for us to defeat the parasite communists (redundant!), frightened rabbits, thieves and those few deluded but still relatively benign democrats that will vote against America.

    McCain has heavy lifting ahead but this isn't over. More and more people are seeing Obama for what he is and not liking what they see.


  3. anonymous: There are none so blind as those who refuse to see the truth about Obama.

    QQ: The racism charge is one that sends the cowards running for cover. It's the elephant in the corner of the room that we must not mention. I, for one, am sick of it.

    Disagreeing with a black person doesn't make you a racist. It's past time we put that canard to rest.

    As far as THE ONE and the ladies, well if the press were doing it's journalistic duty and actually investigating stories about Obammy (and not just digging through Cindy or Sarah's trash), we might find out a thing or three.

  4. I read an article about Ayers today. Seems he escape justice due to a technicality. Obama's defenders probably have a point about Ayers being a mainstream member of Chicago political society. To me, letting a monster like this go about without shunning him says something bad about Chicago political society.

  5. dmarks: You make a valid point about the cess pool that is Chicago politics, but Obama's list O'despicable friends goes on and on.

    There is definitely a radical, anti-American flavor to the lot of them.


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