
Friday, December 26, 2008

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a little Christmas frivolity from lolcats.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. Cube, we have one cat who will eat anything and then barf it up. I find it real amusing.

  2. Hope you had a great Chrsitmas and a Happy New Year!

  3. I got a clearance Croton today. We'll see if I kill it or if Jack eats it first... ;)

  4. Hope you had a Grrrrreat Christmas, Cube!
    If not, you better have a darn good New Year. ;-)

  5. ummm. isn't holly poisonous?

    perhaps that's why they yak.

    Hope you had a great Christmas and have a good new year!


  6. all i found barfed up this morning was a very small furball...

    >^..^< pkak!

  7. chuck: I guess the hairballs are interesting at your house ;-)

    EDGE: Our Christmas was very good, thank you. Let's hope 2009 turns out to be a good year for us all.

    brooke: Crotons are hardy. I'll put my money on Jack.

    pinky: Thank you. It was fine, but it went by so fast. I can hardly believe it's over. As I was telling Edge, I'm hoping 2009 treats us all well.

    bw: I don't know if it's poisonous, but it surely can't taste good.

    nanc: Yuk! At least it was small.

    woman: When big dogs *urp* it tends to be big. We call them vomit loaves because they can be the size of a meatloaf! I'll take a hairball any day.
