
Monday, December 15, 2008

Forensic Monster

The Monster Patricia Cornwell Created

Yikes, it has been almost twenty years since Patricia Cornwell's first Kay Scarpetta book, Postmortem, was published. Where does the time go?

Has anyone read the new one yet?


  1. I've read all of the earlier Kay Scarpatti (sp?) novels. I couldn't believe how fascinating dead bodies could be at the time I was reading them. Hard to believe how forensics has taken hold of the public's interest today.

  2. I've read them all except for the new one. I was just curious about it.

    I became interested in forensics before it became cool. I'm glad everyone else caught up with me on that. I'm still waiting for that happen with Star Trek ;-)

  3. Haven't read her in years. Mywife and I used toi like her books. Stopped reading them for some reason. We watch Bones religiously

  4. In the new one, everyone dies at the hands of an Enterprise toaster.

  5. I just posted a kitty picture you might enjoy!

    No, haven't read her latest...I like the old ones, though!

  6. chuck: I like Bones, but I can't get past the thought of her partner turning into a vampire ala Angel.

    BTW the Bones books aren't bad either.

    david a: Noooooooooo!!!!!!

  7. Z: I just saw your snow kitty. Too cute. Not a sight we see around here.

  8. Never read her, I'm thinking it's time. Any suggestions for a N00b.

  9. Start with the first one, "Postmortem". If you like the characters especially Scarpetta herself as much as I did, you won't be able to put the book down.

    Honestly, it's not fine literature, but they do make for a quickie, but good suspenseful read.

  10. havent read these Cube...u should be a

  11. I have enjoyed Corwell's novels. I have read several and am now hooked.

  12. I love these but have not read the latest.
