
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Transparency In Government

Blagojevich Questions Censored On Transition Website

Obama's Transition site has launched a feature allowing citizens to submit questions, but not about Blagojevich...

BTW did you know that Mrs. Blagojevich was the Obama's realtor for the Rezko house and lot deal?

The plot thickens...


  1. Sleazier and sleazier. We have to wonder how long this will go one.

  2. I couldn't resist. I set up an account and asked this question:

    "Why do you deny a tie to the criminal Governor of Illinois when his wife was your realtor?"

    I'll probably be flagged as a dissident by morning. If the "civillian" task force shows up at the door they better be many and well protected! ;0)

  3. BJ was the realtor, too?

    Man, the slime is just getting deeper and deeper!

  4. jan: I don't know how long the MSM will pursue the story now that BO has assured everyone that he, er, um, had no contact with Blago.

    I guess it will be up to the blagosphere, I mean, blogosphere to keep asking the questions that will bring out the truth.

  5. Papa Frank: Good for you. Let us know how it works out.

    Brooke: BJ? The realtor was Patty Blagojevich and she has connections with Rezko. Too bad the MSM isn't into investigate journalism anymore. It would be fun to watch the sordid details emerge day by day.

    woman: heh heh. All of us non-Obama voters knew it.

  6. Geez, is there any low-life or sleaze-bag that obama isn't somehow connected with?
