
Monday, January 05, 2009

MacGyver Multitool

Did anyone get one of these for Christmas?



  1. Where can I get mine? I hear those paperclips can do anything!

  2. Shhh. Don't tell my daughter! She was so in love with McGyver when she was a kid.

  3. In his hands, doesn't it count as a WMD?

  4. Just avoid tripping over these darn things.

  5. OMG! That's hilarious. How much, how much, how much?!

  6. I agree with dmarks. There should be a warning label or something on that thing. Please don't point it at me!

  7. I must have been on the naughty list.....again.

  8. Can it legally be concealed? Don't want trouble with "the man"


  9. wonder if it's legal to carry on a passenger plane?

  10. I got several packages of paperclips for christmas...heart shaped ones, number one shaped ones, and on and on.

  11. btw...I have had that picture on my website for a couple years or more now.

  12. balou: Glad you liked it as much as I did.

    brooke: If you have enough paper clips you can move the world!

    jill: Has your daughter seen RDA in Stargate:SG1?

    dmarks: Probably.

    steve harkonnen: Or stepping on them when your kids have twisted them into 3-dimensional objects.

    wordsmith: I can relate, but
    sorry, I have no idea. I just ran across the clever photo.

    chuck: Thanks.

    woman: :-)

    DaBlade: Don't worry, it's not loaded. Famous last words, right?

    Gifted Typist: Neither did I.

    Papa Frank: I wasn't that naughty. I did receive the Star Trek Pez dispenser set for Christmas. Santa knows...

    QQ: Good question. Would you want to be the test case?

    kelly: I'm not currently able to access your blog :-(

  13. crazybunnylady: I know I have a bunny pez dispenser somewhere around here...

  14. I do not know why you cannot access my blog.

    Try: My paperclippings blog or my newest one

  15. kelly: Clicking on your name didn't work, but the links you provided did. Thank you.

  16. I fixed the problem with clicking through my name. I had been invited very recently to be a contributor to a blog that is private. I had to make all but that one visible. Thanks for the heads up on that. I might not have otherwise known there was a problem.
