
Friday, February 06, 2009

Cat Blog Friday

For this National Wear Red For Women's Heart Disease Awareness Friday...

... a cat in a red shirt.

Watch out, kitty! Red shirts don't last long in Trek.

Happy Friday, everybody.


  1. Happy Friday - cube

    Happy Friday - cute black kitty

  2. It does look cute in that shirt.

    BTW I tried accessing your blog and couldn't find it. Are you taking a break?

  3. i'm wearing black today in honor of my kid'z principal's 60th birthday and am thinking about going to get him some dead flowers and deflated balloon...

    >^,,^< mew.

  4. cube - I decided after a year I was ready for a break. But I knew if I didn't delete it I would be tempted to write on it.

    If I want to start up again it will have a different name.

    I'll be checking yours everyday and keeping in touch.

    (BTW - ever see Alien vs Predator?)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That cat looks serious...


  7. Just you try to put one of my GIRLS into a shirt -- of any color. They'll scratch your eyes out!

  8. nanc: I'm just guessing here, but am I detecting that you and your child's principal are not principly pals?

  9. Sue: I'm sorry to hear that. I will miss going over to your site and harassing you ;-)

    You are welcome here anytime. I do hope you keep in touch.

    Funny you would mention AVP. My niece and I have a longstanding wager going over who is the ultimate winner in that fight. I've chose the Predator side. I love the Alien, but I feel that the Predator is a superior creature. We continue to argue about this.

  10. cube - I'm setting up a new blog now. I'll keep you informed.

    I like the Alien movies, but I tend to agree that Predator is smarter. At any rate, I was surprised that I liked A vs P.

  11. The cat is promoting a great cause, too bad the Star Trek rule neveer fails - the person on the show you've never seen before dies.

    Have you ever seen Galaxy Quest? It pokes good fun at Star Trek. They have a character, Guy, who just knows he's going to die because he is not part of the original cast.

  12. Puuurfect! A security cat in a red shirt going on an away mission.

  13. are you kiddin' me, cube - we're about the ONLY people who DO like him! he's a crotchety old guy and meaner than mean - i like mean people as they appear to be the most sincere.

  14. Pinky: Yeah, seriously disturbed.

    AOW: Our cats would shred us if we tried dressing them as well.

    Chuck: I thought Galaxy Quest was a funny spoof. I found it especially ironic that Sigourney Weaver was in the cast.

    Dablade: Poor kitty doesn't know how dangerous away missions can be for unnamed redshirts.

    Commoncents: Thanks for the offer. I don't have a blogroll at the momemnt, but I'll definitely add you once I get one.

    Nanc: I thought black clothes and dead flowers connoted something less than good. I'm glad you like the principal. It's good to like the principal :-)

  15. Sue: Please do keep me informed.
