
Friday, February 20, 2009

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a daredevil cat.

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. That's what I like to see: cat-guts.

  2. Aw, how cute. And YAY! It's Friday!

    RYC: I didn't make it very clear on my post. They were showing us how easy it can be to defraud someone, this was just a demonstration to clarify how some of these fake psychics work. I'm glad you said something, because I hadn't made that obvious...

    It really was hilarious! I'm so glad we went :-)

  3. Sue: :-)

    Jen: Thanks for clarifying that. I feel better now.

  4. My cat won't even go into the bathroom because of an unfortunate incident with water.

  5. that darned cat!

    >^00^< PKWISHK!

  6. p.s. - speaking of cats in bathrooms - i'll be posting on this phenomenon probably this weekend at oh boo moments.

  7. hate to be the bearer of bad cat tidings, R.I.P. socks.


  8. i always place my cat in those situations. it's a game we play with the kids

  9. jan: I wonder how that unfortunate incident happened ;-)

    nanc: Cats in Sinks! There's even a website.

    RE: The death of Socks

    He was the only Clinton I've ever liked. I'm glad he lived a good, long life.

    Gifted Typist: So do we. Stuff like the Reverse Lion Tamer Trick ;-)

    Brooke: Go photoshop ;-)

    Pasadena CC: And a saucer of milk. No wait, cats aren't allowed that anymore. How about a can of tuna?
    No wait, there's too much mercury in that. Darn it. How about some dry kibbles then.

  10. I want to see the picture where the waterskiing cat jumps the shark.
